30. Friendships Bloom

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The Chinese food came and went. Everybody ate a lot. Tommy went for seconds but held off on thirds. He got the usual banter and teasing from the boys, but it didn't bother him now like it used to. It had a lot to do with who was saying it.

"A big man needs a big meal." He joked as he walked back for seconds.

"Hey Tommy, those football workouts are really paying off. You're getting trimmer every week. " Antoine shot back at him.

"That's the plan." Tommy retorted, "That's the plan. By next season I'm gonna be throwing your butt over that fence," he joked.

Antoine turned to Ethan and whispered, "Hey did you notice Tommy hasn't stuttered once since winning the game."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, what are you two scheming up now?" Kaitlin had come up from behind them and noticed the whispering.

"Oh, nothing Kaitlin, promise. We were just noticing how Tommy hasn't stuttered once since winning the game today. Did you notice?"

"Well, now that you mention it, no I haven't noticed him stuttering. I guess he overcame more than his fear of football today thanks to you boys."

The three smiled in agreement.

Drink in hand, Reuben called Lamar over to tour the house. Tianna and Alina decided to join them to give their 'feminine views'. The house qualified as grandiose by Middleton standards. Not needing much in the way of renovations. Reuben made things up as he went along. Maybe Lamar noticed, maybe he didn't. Tianna and Alina wereengrossed in 'girl talk', offering color recommendations and other décor suggestions.

Lamar remained his somewhat standoffish self, but it was obvious the two men were

forming some mutual respect. Reuben always respected a man who spoke his mind, as did Lamar. They both chuckled at the girls' suggestion to move a wall to a completely different part of the house. Deciding to make some tea, the women ended their tour in the kitchen while the men continued on.

"You got yourself a real nice crib here Reuben," said Lamar

"It was a long hard struggle to get here but it was certainly worth it," said Reuben.

"What? A successful Jewish lawyer like you struggle?" Lamar raised his eyebrows in surprise at Reuben's comment.

"You know Lamar, you and I are a lot alike," Reuben stopped and put his hand on the oak railing that led to the upper level of the house. He turned and scanned the grand entranceway to his house and said, "This may look very impressive but it wasn't always like this for me. No, I come from very humble beginnings.

"Oh, yeah? Do tell."

"Well, you grew up poor and black and I grew up poor and Jewish. As minorities, we have both experienced prejudice and oppression. This life experience has taught us the value of respect and the value of an honest day's work for an honest day's pay."

Lamar took a moment absorb what Reuben said then he broke out into a huge grin and said, "Reuben, my man, you're one smooth talkin' lawyer. Let me tell you, if I was ever in a bind, your ass would be the first one I'd call."

"Yeah? And my ass would be happy to help," chuckled Reuben.

Lamar was really taking a real shine to his new found 'minority bro'. "As a matter of fact," Lamar put his arm around Reuben's shoulders. He leaned in and continued in a hushed tone, "is there some place we can talk privately? I got a little situation that you just might be able to help me with."

"Follow me." Reuben headed upstairs to his study.

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