77. A Happy Ending

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So does this make me America's first Asian Jew?" Tommy joked as he proudly stood beside his new father.

Everybody laughed.

Ruben put one arm on Tommy's shoulder and the other around Tianna's waist. "Now if I can just get my other son in here we can have our first new family album picture," he said as he kissed Tianna softly on the cheek.

Kaitlin heard the request and grabbed the Spanish For Dummies book from Ethan's hands and pushed him towards the smiling trio. "Get over there, Bandage Boy."

Smiling at the thought of how he would look in their first family picture, Ethan, wearing a shiner on his face, got himself across the room. With Tommy beside his new dad, Ethan stepped up beside his new mom, towering over the delicate and diminutive Tianna as she smiled and slid her arm around his waist.

"Hold it," ordered Lamar as he framed them and snapped off a couple of pictures. "Me and my digital here are the official wedding photographers. He kept at it, snapping all of them, together, alone, in combos.

Finally, he had Bubba and Alina together. The big man pulled her real close as Lamar warned, "Don't you get too familiar. This is just a picture, but it's evidence too."

"The man's a jealous fool, Alina." Bubba chuckled, "You should have stayed with me."

Alina laughed as she turned to face him. "You know Bubba, I married the right man, cause if not I wouldn't have had you down here to look after my boy, would I?"

"You make a good point darlin'." He smiled down at her as Lamar approached.

"You know, it's actually quite a coincidence, you being here in Las Vegas at the right place at the right time to hook up with the kids." She paused as tears came to her eyes, "Taking care of them, like you did. Antoine told me how you were always there to pull them out of hot water."

Bubba smiled his big friendly smile, "You know, Alina, that big Asian boy over there?" His smile broadened, "Tommy, he told me a few days ago, there wasn't no such thing as coincidence." His expression changed to something thoughtful, "And you know after being with these kids, I got to think I'm a believer in fate."


"Yep. All of it. Written before we ever got here." He looked a little embarrassed, "You know, Alina, I always believed there was a God but since I met these kids I believe in the power a whole lot more than I ever did."

"Really, those kids had that kind of effect on you?"

"Alina, my sweetest of all girls, ya got no idea." He pointed in their general direction, "Those kids got things goin' on." He wanted to say more but didn't, just repeated, "Ya got no idea." Instead he moved the conversation to a different focus, "Those kids are tough, smart, and they're tight with each other, just like back in the hood, but better, more quality to it all." He shook his head a little. "Been somethin else knowin em." Alina thought she saw a tear in his eye, "If the rest of this country's got more like them, then we got nothin' ta worry 'bout. Nothin.'"

"What are you two talkin' about?" Lamar said it as he pretended to snap a shot of them.

Alina smiled sheepishly at Lamar as she gave Bubba a big, lingering hug. "Did I ever thank you for taking care of things down here."

"I think that hug just did it," Bubba replied. "Now here." He handed her across to Lamar. "You better get off with him before the two of us start fightin' over ya again."

She gave him another giant hug and a kiss before she turned to Lamar, "Enough damn pictures, right Bubba?" Bubba gave her a big smile, slapped Lamar across the shoulders as the two of them passed him, walking hand in hand, their eyes fixated on one another.

Antoine missed none of it. Fact was, he couldn't remember the last time he saw his mother and father holding hands and sharing 'the look'. He turned to Ethan who'd made his way back to Bianca and Kaitlin. "See that, bro. That's exactly how you look when you're staring at this little lady here."

Bianca didn't get it but smiled anyway and Antoine took the opportunity to cozy up to Kaitlin. "You ever get that look in your eye when we're together?"

"Never," she laughed as she pushed him playfully.

"Check out Tommy," interrupted Ethan as they all looked over at the seemingly intense conversation between Tommy, Tanya, and her dad. "He looks so serious I bet he's asking Tanya's dad for her hand in marriage."

"Well, it'll be another Jewish wedding and she'll be the second Asian Jew in America." Antoine chimed in to more laughter. "I love this integration thing."

The End

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