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Mingi finished from taking a shower, sighing and dressing up into comfortable clothing before going down to the kitchen. "Hmm I should cook dinner so it's all ready when Wooyoung comes back." He smiled and opened the fridge, taking out things such as vegetables, meat, and such.

As he was cooking, he was thinking all about Wooyoung. His heart warmed up and he smiled as he cooked. He was so so in love with Wooyoung, he could never imagine being with someone else. He just cannot. It isn't possible for him to think such a thing. He loves Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung with all his heart and more. So so so much. And he cannot wait to go ring shopping soon...

He soon was finished with food, setting up the table and getting everything right. It's been a couple hours now, so Mingi is expecting Wooyoung to arrive soon.



"EH?! 5 DOLLARS?! Hot topic gotta lower their prices, didn't they used to be a dollar-" Rosé looked at him with wide eyes, "UHHHHHHHHHH"

"Yeah! But hey, I may be banned there now but I got this awesome pin >;3" Wooyoung showed Rosé the pin proudly.

Rosé laughed and nodded as she looked at the pin, "Yeah yeah, totally worth it. Let's go home now!! You said Mingi is expecting you!"

"Ah yeah! HURRY LET'S GO!" They both got in Rosé's car and she drove off, heading to Wooyoung's house.

They soon arrived and before Woo got out of the car, he hugged Rosé and took his bags, stepping out and waving, "Annyeong!!!" He turned and walked up the pathway, knocking on the door, "Mimi!!!"

Mingi turned and looked over at the door, gasping and he smiled, "There he is!" He got up and rushed over, unlocking the door and opening it, looking down at Wooyoung, "Wooyoung! I missed you so so so so so so so much!!!" He hugged him tightly, pulling him in so very close.

Wooyoung giggled and hugged back, smiling, "I told you I wasn't gonna take forever!"

"Mmm." Mingi chuckled and pulled away, kissing Woo on his forehead, "So, you wanna show me the haul now, or after dinner?"

"After dinner! I'm sooo hungry! And the food smells delish!!!" Wooyoung exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Alright! Well sit down and dig in! I already put our servings on the table, my love." he gestured Wooyoung to the kitchen, Wooyoung heading over there and Mingi followed behind.

They both sat down and Wooyoung began eating immediately. "Mmm!! Yummy!!"

Mingi watched him eat, staring at him in awe. "I'm glad you like it, darling" He smiled and admired Wooyoung. In his eyes Wooyoung looked like such an angel. So pale, soft, beautiful, breathtaking, absolutely perfect. His voice, his eyes, his lips, his body, his everything. "Eat up." he said, before he started to eat as well.

They both finished eating and Wooyoun eagerly got up, "Look look look look!!!" He rushed over to the living room, where the bags Wooyoung came home with were placed at.

Mingi laughed at him, getting up as well and following, "I'm looking, I'm looking."

Wooyoung showed him a bunch of new shirts and accessories, following chokers and two pairs of shoes.

Mingi looked at every single item and smiled, "Very nice, Woo!!"

"I know right!!" Wooyoung exclaimed, giggling. "Ima make a super cool outfit with my new clothes tomorrow!!-" He then remembered his agreement with San, "Ah-" He looked up at Mingi, "Speaking about tomorrow, may I go out again tomorrow..?"

Mingi's smile faded as he tilted his his to the side a bit, "Go out again tomorrow?? But you already went out today, and yesterday, and Monday.."

Wooyoung felt guilt in him as he looked down, "It's just.. uh.. um.."

"Tomorrow is my day off, baby"

Wooyoung then gasped and looked up at Mingi, "What!?"

"I have nothing to do tomorrow because I worked so hard last night and today, finishing everything so I can spend the day with the love of my life, Wooyoung-ah.." He leaned down and looked at Woo, "Or.. do you still wanna go out with your friends than spend a day with your beloved boyfriend..?"

Wooyoung frowned and looked down, thinking for a while. "No!" He looked up at Mingi, "I wanna spend the day with Mimi!!!"

Mingi smiled and kissed Wooyoung's cheek, "My god, for a second I almost thought I had lost my precious angel."

Wooyoung smiled and hugged Mingi, "I'm sorry Mimi"

Mingi hugged back and pat Woo's head, "It's okay, my love. Let's go to our bedroom, yeah?"

Wooyoung looked up at him and nodded, "Okay!"

They both picked up Woo's bags and they headed to the stairs, going up and to their bedroom. They set the bags down and Mingi moved away from Woo, turning the bedroom light on and he took his shirt off. "We should wake up a bit early tomorrow so we have all day tomorrow." He said, looking over at Woo as he folded his shirt.

Wooyoung placed the bags down and looked over at Mingi, smiling and nodding, "Okay yeah!!" He turned and opened the closet, taking a pair of pajamas out. He then went to the bathroom and changed into pajamas. After, he got out and tossed his clothes into the hamper. "I'm soooo sleepy" he said, throwing himself onto the bed.

Mingi looked at him, watching him and smiled. "Yeah?" He switched the light off then laid down on the bed, right next to Wooyoung and cuddled into him, sighing and closing his eyes, "Go to sleep then, Wooyoung-ah, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Woo smiled and slowly closed his eyes, "Okay Mimi. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, my angel... I love you.."
With no response from Woo, Mingi opened his eyes and looked down at him, admiring his beautiful sleeping face. "God, you're so precious... I love you so much, darling..." He then closed his eyes again and dozed off.


sorry not sorry for making this a lil longer, well it's not thAT long it's just 1065 words LOL- okay it's 1070 words now- OH MAKE THAT 1076 words LOL- OH MAKE THAT 1082 woRd- OH ACTUALLY 1086 word- OH WAI- okay ima stop bye LOL

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