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Wooyoung held onto Mingi's arm and they both walked out the bedroom, going downstairs and heading to the front. Mingi opened the door and stepped aside to let Wooyoung walk out first. He then stepped out and closed the door, locking it then they both went to Mingi's car. Mingi opened the door for Woo, he sat down and right after, so did Mingi. He turned the car on and drove off. "Breakfast first, then we can get boba and walk around in the park. It's a nice morning today!"

"Yes!! I love boba! Oh and yeah, it is quite nice today!" Wooyoung smiled, looking out the window as he then thought, 'I wonder what San's gonna think... I hope he doesn't get upset when I don't show up at the other park we were gonna meet up at.. I'm sure he'll understand!- Or what if I can still meet up with him..' Woo thought about it for a while and looked over at Mingi, "Hey Mimi?"

He glanced over at Wooyoung before looking back at the road, "Yes, dear?"

"I just remembered, I uh- Um- OH! I was going to get something of mine that I left at Rosé's house!!- Can you take me there really quickly?? Please!"

"Huh? You left something at Rosé's house??- I thought you guys went to the mall, not hang out there?? And what was it that you left there???"

"Oh- right- Uhhhhhhh- OH HAHA it's just that we were at her house for a few minutes, you know, chit chatting! THEN we went to the mall! And uh- what I left was umm- uh- um- OH! My earrings! Yeah! I left my earrings!"

Mingi listened to him and paid attention to how he spoke, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as he slammed on the breaks suddenly.

Wooyoung gasped and he held onto his seat "wOAh- What was that-"

"Jung Wooyoung."

Wooyoung froze.

"Are you lying to me?"


"Are you or are you not? Tell me the truth, Wooyoung."

"I- Lying to you?!!?!! That's preposterous!! I'd never lie to you Mimi, I swear!! Believe me!" he frantically spoke, looking at Mingi.

Mingi looked at him and he stayed silent for a while. "........Riiiight.. How cruel of me to think my beloved boyfriend is lying to me."

Wooyoung sighed, relieved and sat back down correctly "Sorry it seemed like I was, Mingi.." he pouted, looking at Mingi again. He checked the time, "Can you still take me..?"

Mingi sighed and looked away, starting to drive off again and he made a U-turn, "Yes."

"Thank you thank you!!"


{5 minutes later}

"Please make it quick, Wooyoung."

"I will! Be right back!!" He got out the car and quickly rushed to Rosé's front door, pounding on it. "Rosé!! Rosé!!"

Rosé opened the door, "Aish, what?!- OH WOO!" She opened the door fully and Wooyoung quickly rushed in. "oH-"

Wooyoung shut the door and looked at Rosé, "I'm in a pickle!"

Rosé furrowed her eyebrows and laughed, "What-?"

"I didn't know Mingi was going to be available today when I already made plans with San to meet up and hang out today!!"

"You WHAT"

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