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"So back the fuck off before I kill you."

The cashier looked into Mingi's eyes and gasped, heart rate increasing, "Y-yes sir, y-you don't h-have to worry about m-me, I-I promise!!!"

"Good." Mingi set a 20 dollar bill on the counter and turned, walking over to the table which Wooyoung was sitting at.

The cashier let a big breath out, trying to catch his breath and calm down, "W-what a sicko..."

"Finally! You were taking foreVer" Wooyoung said, looking up at Mingi, "Sit sit!"

Mingi smiled and sat down across from Wooyoung, "I'm sorry love! He was kinda being a bit of a .. hassle?"

"Oh really??" Woo frowned slightly, "Jeez- He looked ni-"

"Well he isn't." Mingi suddenly interrupted Wooyoung. "- Sorry.. I didn't mean to interrupt you!"

Wooyoung slowly laughed slightly, shaking his head, "No no, it's okay!! You're just hungryyy!" he smiled, leaning over and patting Mingi's head, "There there!!"

Mingi smiled and sighed, closing his eyes, "I love you."

Woo moved his hand away and giggled, "I love you too, Mimi!"

Mingi giggled slightly as well and then soon after, someone came with their food, "Here ya guys go! Enjoy!"

"Thank you!" They both said, grabbing their sandwiches and digging in. "Mmm!!"

"This is delicious!" Woo said.

"Mhm!" Mingi agreed.

"I can't believe I order this same meal all the time when we come here, get I can't seem to get tired of it?? ITS SO GOOD"

"Really? Pretty weird, Wooyoung" Mingi laughed and smiled, "But I have to admit, it is in fact good. I think it's the sourdough bread that really- like adds all the flavor and gives it that kick"

"Yeahhh!!" Woo smiled widely, "Mm mm mmm!!"

They both giggled and kept eating, enjoying each other's presence.

After they ate, they walked out and held hands once again, walking down the sidewalk and they were heading to the boba shop around the corner.

As they walked, Mingi would constantly glance over at Wooyoung, admiring his face. His pure, beautiful, angelic face. It was like each time Mingi looks at his face, he falls in love more and more somehow.
"I love him so much... ..... way too much.." he thought to himself.

"Yay we're here! LES GOOO", Wooyoung grabbed Mingi's whole arm and dragged him into the shop. "Boba boba boba!!!"

"Calm down Wooyoung-ah!" Mingi laughed, both walking to the counter. "We're here, we're here, don't worry!! Choose your flavor."

"Okay!!! Hi counter person! I want my flavor to be mango!!" Woo ordered.

"Of course! And you, sir?"

"Strawberry milk"

"Sure thing! It will be ready right away! 5.38$ please."

Mingi paid and he smiled slightly, taking the receipt. "Hey Wooyoung, you still wanna go to the park to drink this?"

Wooyoung looked at Mingi and smiled, nodding, "Yeah! It's nice and sunny out there, and it's not so hot! There's a nice breeze.. it's perfect! Like you said! Hehe!"

Mingi chuckled and nodded, "Of course! Okay then, the park it is!"

"Yay, okay!"

"Here are your drinks, sir! Have a fantastic day!" The counter person spoke up, handing Mingi the boba.

"Ah, thank you." Mingi took the drinks, handing the mango one to Wooyoung, "Here you go my love"

"Thanks! Let's go now!"

"Ah, right!"

They took a sip of their boba and walked out the shop, walking down the sidewalk once again.

"You know, I was thinking.. So you like black more or rose pink?" Mingi asked.

"Hm??" Woo looked at Mingi, tilting his head, "Why do you ask?? And..I'm not so sure, I like them both equally teehee!"

"Ah.. Ah okay I see, I can make it work." Mingi smiled, looking up at the sky. "I can make it work..."

Wooyoung tilted his head to the other side, wondering what Mingi was meaning. "Ooooookay thEn- Look the park!!" He pointed to their left.

"Mmmhm! Let's go." Mingi lead Wooyoung across the crosswalk and they entered through the gates of the park. It was a nice park, there was a large water fountain, nice green grass everywhere, even a colorful play structure too, with lots of huge trees.

"I love this park!! It's so nice" Wooyoung smiled, looking around, "It also has a lot of trees" he giggled.

"Yeppp. It's one of the most prettiest parks in Seoul." Mingi added. "Hey Wooyoung, that actually reminds me, I have a question about parks"


"Mhm, which one do you like more? This one or the one further?? Or the one with the sand?"

"Hmmm I think the further one! It's so big and so cool! There's even duckies!!!"

Mingi chuckled and smiled, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

"Mhm!! Mimi, why do you ask????"

"Ehhh just curious. Look, speaking of ducks, there's one flying right above us!" Mingi pointed to the sky

"OH MY GOSH WHERE" Wooyoung immediately looked up but saw nothing, "WH-"

"Gotcha!!!" Mingi laughed.

"WOWWWW" Wooyoung playfully hit Mingi in the chest, "RUDE!!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Mingi continued to laugh.

"uGh. I will get you back when you least expect it! >;3"

"Mmmmmmmmhmmmm SUREEEEE"

"I will!!"

"Doubt it. I'm very smart"

"I'm smart too dummy!!"

"What's 2+2??"

"22." Wooyoung smiled proudly.

"Oh my god Wooyoung."

Hopelessly Devoted To You || ATZ MINYOUNGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ