Chapter 3: Michael Wayland's daughter

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As they entered the Silent City, Izzy quickly grabbed Simon and stuck to him. So did Clary with Jace. Alec and Ashley were behind them, watching the couples together. They looked at each other quickly then away.

"If you're scared I can-" Alec was saying as Ash searched for his hand in the dark and held it.

It was the first time they touch each other, and they both felt struck at first. As they walked, Alec's shoulders finally relaxed and Ash was walking with her head resting on his arm.

"That's the entrance you guys." Clary said after 5 minutes of silent walking in the darkness.

As they were turning to face Ash she quickly let go of Alec slightly, but Jace and Clary did catch their hands let go.

"Umm so what do i do exactly?" Ash said quietly.

"Okay so now we go in and the Silent Brothers will do their work from there." Clary explained.

"Alright." Ash said as she entered first.

"Wait uh- someone needs to go in with you. I can-" Clary said.

"Can't we all go in-" Izzy was saying as Jace cut her off.

"Only 2 people can go inside. So that means Ashley and..." Jace looked at them all for a bit as if he was going to choose at random. "Alec! He's strong and a good fighter, he will protect her."

Clary directly understood what was going on and was forced to play along.

"Me? In the Silent City?" Alec asked.

"Yeah your not scared are you-" Jace began.

"You wish." Alec rolled his eyes and stepped up next to Ash.

"After you..." Alec muttered to Ash as they went in.

"Alec!" Clary shouted from behind which made him turn around.

"Please take care of her." Clary had some gentle voice.

"I will." He said softly as she watched them both dissapear.

"Alec will thank me later." Jace grinned.

"You mean Alec will KILL you later?" Simon laughed.

"I should of went in with her. Maybe Alec doesn't know what to tell the Silent Brothers." Clary said worried.

"Actually, maybe it's a good idea we wait for now. If they take longer than expected, we can go in." Izzy said.

"Good plan." Clary agreed.


"Why is everything so scary here?" Ash said as they were walking to find the Brothers.

"Um it's always been like that." Alec replied.

They stopped at a statue of the Shadowhunter.

"Oh my god. I've seen this somewhere." Ash said.

"Really? That's how the first Shadowhunter looked like."

"I saw it in one of my mom's books."

"Your mom was a writer?"

"Yes. I am too. It's more of a hobby so im not sure if im good as her-"

"I'd like to read a book you wrote one day."

She smiled. "Of course. You like books?"

"I read in my alone time. Books are amazing anyways." He smiled back.

After a bit more walking, he stopped her.

"Here we are." he said. "BROTHERS!?" he called out.

Five dark figures who were dressed up in long black cloaks appeared in a circle infront of them.

"Hello, Alexander Lightwood. Ashley Wayfair. I am Brother Jeremiah. What brings you both here?" The brother said.

"Brother Jeremiah, we want to know who is Ashley's father. Her memories were blocked by a warlock. Most probably Magnus Bane." Alec replied.

"I see it's similar to something encountered with Clary Fairchild last year." Brother Jeremiah said.

"My dad is not the evil Valentine, is it Alec?" Ashley looked worried.

"Don't worry, i highly doubt it. Now follow everything he tells you. I'm here okay." Alec reassured her as he stepped out of the circle.

"If you are strong, you will make it." Brother Jeremiah said.

"I want to try." Ashley said bravely.

Alec sighed and folded his arms as
a flash of light was forming in the circle.
The Brothers spoke in a language both Shadowhunters did not understand.


Suddenly Ashley closed her eyes and was taken back to a memory of last year when it was her birthday.

"Happy Birthday sweetie!" Kaitlyn said to her daughter.

"Thank you mom!" Ashley said and ran to hug her.

As she was going up the stairs, she saw Jocelyn entering and talking to her mother.

"Kaityln, please tell me you told her." Jocelyn said.

"I...let her enjoy her childhood one last time." Her mother said.

"You know Kaityln, that's exactly what I said before i got captured by Valentine. It's not long enough before he finds me again and i die. This is why i gave you the mortal cup. It's safest with your daughter since Valentine will guess i gave it to you." Jocelyn said.

"I know Jocelyn. If she knows her father wasn't killed by a car crash she will call me a liar." Kaityln said.

"At least her father isn't Valentine Morgenstern. It's Michael Wayland. And we both know that Valentine murdered him during the Uprising. She might get to find out herself soon." Jocelyn sighed.

"I know i swear i do. Does your daughter know that...Michael Wayland is Ashley's father?" Kaityln asked.

"Of course not. Clary wouldn't keep a secret from Jace like that. Jace doesn't know he has a sister." Jocelyn said.

"But if they both were to ever know. How do i explain why i never was with Jace?" Kaityln sighed.

"I'm sure everyone will understand. It wasn't your fault. Valentine forced you to leave Jace behind or he would of killed both of you, while you were pregnant with Ashley."


Ashley gasped and immediately the Silent brother let go and the sword on top of her head was released, leaving a small droplet of blood on her forehead.

Alec ran to her. "ASHLEY?? ARE YOU-" There was panick in his voice.

"I- im fine. What i saw is...not okay." She said horrified.

"Tell me. What did you get to know?" He asked concerned.

"I'm...Michael Wayland's daughter." She said slowly.

"That means your- Jace's actual sister." He said quietly.

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