Chapter 9: The powers within

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"Well that is a hell of an adventure." Jace said, still shocked from hearing the story.

"I still can't believe that Seelie Queen's nerve." Izzy said angrily.

"Don't worry Iz, we're all alive. That's what matters." Simon comforted her.

"Thank god you are all fine." Clary sighed.

"Wait a minute, where's Alec?" Ash asked, worried.

"He's in his room, asleep i think." Jace said.

"Poor Alec. He's been through so much because of me i can't make it up to him." She said sadly as she walked to find him, the rest watching her with sympathy.

She knocked on Alec's door slightly.
"Alec?" She calmly said as she opened the door.

He was sleeping peacefully, she thought as she smiled at how good he looked even when asleep. She slowly touched his hair and traced her fingers on his face. Then she got up and was going to head out.

"Ash..." he said slowly.

"Alec?" She turned around, a bit surprised that he's awake.

"Can you...stay here for a bit before you go sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah...sure." she softly replied as she lay down next to him. He held her hand as she rested her head on his chest.


Ash woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She turned it off as she saw it was just an alarm for her to wake up early.

As she turned back she hid a gasp as she found Alec was sleeping next to her. Then she remembered that she forgot to leave his room last night! He only asked her to remain for a bit with him before she left. She guessed she must have fallen asleep before she could leave.

Quickly, she got up and slowly tiptoed out to leave. As she closed the door behind her she let a sigh and turned to find Jace standing infront of her, grinning.

"Nice pyjamas." His tone sounded rather amusing.

"J-Jace! What are you doing here?" She exclaimed as she knew she was now done for.

"I was doing my morning training. What were you doing in Alec's room? Or wait...did you just WAKE UP from his room!" He smiled knowingly.

"I-" she flushed red with embarrassment.

"I'm just kidding, you don't have to explain anything. But you don't have to always sneak out from his room before everyone wakes up you know." He smiled casually as Izzy appeared.

"Jace? Ash? What's going on here?" She asked, half asleep.

"Oh nothing much. I just found my sister sneaking out of your brother's room." He smiled.

"My my, already? I wouldn't be surprised." She giggled as she smiled at Ash who just blushed even harder.

"I swear...nothing happened. I just fell asleep there that's all."

"You expect us to believe that?" Jace smiled.

"Yes, you are supposed to believe me. You are my brother. And anyways why do you care about what happens between me and Alec anyways-" she was saying as Alec appeared behind her.

"Did i hear my name?" He said, as he stood next to her, Jace and Izzy.

"Yes. No. I mean yes but no. It's nothing-" Ash began as Jace continued smoothly for her.

"Nothing Alec. I just asked her about you and she said that you were sleeping."

"Oh. Yeah i just woke up. Are we going to go on another mission today?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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