Chapter 6: The Mortal Cup

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"Now that Magnus gave us information, with added sass, we can find the Mortal Cup and stop Valentine!" Clary exclaimed happily.

"You say that as if it's so simple." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Do you always like to ruin happiness Alec?"

"Part of me is a Lightwood, emotions don't get in my way."

"Oh really? And what should we call what happened yesterday?" She challenged him and grinned as the others did too.

"Wow Clarissa Fairchild is always never failing to dissapoint." He rolled his eyes again.

"If you keep rolling your eyes, you increase the chance of you having wrinkles." She pointed.

"My beautiful face has always been forced to have me roll my eyes. No wrinkles for me." He grinned.

"Your pretty face should smile more often." Ashley said softly as he turned to her.

"You're right, maybe only for you." He smiled now.

"STAWP MY HEART OMG." Izzy began to tear.

"Please get me a bucket of popcorn, what a dramafest." Clary giggled.

"Tell me about it." Jace laughed.

"Am I the only person who never laughs randomly or feels emotions suddenly?" Simon wondered outloud.

"That's because you're already dead." Alec smirked.

"Ouch! Dead but apparently alive with vampire teeth which will rip your heart out." Simon challenged him.

"Not unless i rip yours first." Alec replied smoothly and turned away with Jace following him.

Simon had to make a run before the sun came up as he kissed Izzy goodbye and hugged the other then left.

"Simon never fails to make me fall for him even harder everyday." Izzy said dreamily.

"Love depression, how awful." Clary joked as Ash giggled.

"Omg but we never got to discuss Ashley with Alec!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Um! Quiet! There's too many people here anyways!" Ashley blushed.

"Sorry!" Izzy lowered her voice. "So are you guys like official yet, dating or-"

"We never discussed anything after that kiss." Ash said sadly.

"Oh, Alec." Izzy shook her head. "He's always too busy with work. I'll force him to stay with you."

"Izzy it's okay no need to rush-" Ash began as Izzy hurried off to her big brother's room.

"Izzy's my parabatai, she will treat you like her sister the same way i treat you and her. Anyone i like she likes. Same thing for me to her." Clary explained.

"That is so cool! I wish i could have a parabatai." Ash said miserably.

"If only Simon was a Shadowhunter." Clary shrugged.


"ALEC?" Izzy yelled through the door as she stopped to hear what was going on.

"I don't want to discuss this Jace." Alec sighed.

"You need to discuss your feelings with Ash. Otherwise she will get hurt." Jace said.

"I...i don't know if she wants me or if she is ready." Alec stuttered.

"Well maybe you should ask her." Izzy appeared now, which caused both Jace and Alec to turn to look at her surprised.

"Thanks for snooping i guess." Alec sighed.

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