Surprise, Surprise: Sophie

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Today's my birthday! Sophie thought happily as she changed into a tunic, and leggings.

When she came downstairs, she was greeted with a chorus of "Happy Birthday!" from Grady and Edaline.

Sophie was about to say something when she detected something familiar...

"You made mallowmelt?" she asked.

"Of course! It is your birthday after all." Edaline replied.

"Thanks, mom!" Sophie said, grabbing two slices of the gooey cake, one for each hand. 

But before she could take a bite, a knock at the door interrupted her.

"I'll get it!" Sophie called as she raced to open the door.

"Hey Foster, ya really missed me." A familier boy said.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Did you forget something?"

"Of course not! You think I would forget what day today is?"


"Ouch Foster, that hurt." he said, pretending that she had injured his hear

"Also, Happy Birthday!" he grinned, holding a small cake, with a picture of Silveny and her alicorn family. On the top, it said, "Happy Birthday, Foster!"

"Keefe, I love it!" Sophie exclaimed, getting teary-eyed.

"Obviously you love it. I have amazing taste." he teased. "And, are we gonna eat it, or what?"

"Eat it, duh." Sophie replied as Keefe set the cake on the table.

Sophie and Keefe devoured the cake in no time, but were beginning to feel weird.

Suddenly, a portal opened up, and the two were sucked into it's blinding lights.

The last thing Sophie saw was Keefe's terrified face, before the world went dark.

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