And We're Back! Ish...

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She was gonna love it! Fitz was absolutely sure of it. So why did he only feel dread as he walked up to Sophie's door?

I mean, sure they had fights and stuff, but they still loved each other...right? They had to. If not...

He stopped that thought and realized he was standing on Sophie's porch. He rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer it.


He smiled cruelly, his face covered in more cuts and scars than the last time she saw him. His two swords were at his sides, glowing a bloody red at odd places. Or was that just the lighting of the weird room-portal-thingy?

Hopefully just the lighting...

Fitz looked at Keefe, and I felt an anger deep in my gut. Instinctively I jumped and tackled him to the ground. 

"No one hurts my friends." I growled.

Fitz tried to flip me over, but I landed a blow to his head first. He staggered back, blood running down his nose. He reached up to feel it, forgetting all about the swords at his sides.

Then, quicker than lightning, he lunged at me. I was sent flying into Keefe, and launched into the yellow portal. I managed to grab onto a ledge (we were suddenly flipped upside down) but Fitz kicked my hand. Who knew the soles of his shoes were spiked? I yelled and grabbed his leg with my other hand, dragging him with us into the portal below. 

We appeared 75 feet in the sky, and started screaming and flailing for our lives. I tried to use my telekineses ability to help, but...its not so easy when two guys are screaming louder than a firetruck, ambulance, and 10 police cars combined.


Edaline had told me she didn't know where Sophie was, but that she was out having the time of her life with stupid old Keefe and that I should go mope in a corner while he stole my girlfriend.

Okay, she didn't really say that...but she implied  it!

She said "I don't know where Sophie is, but I think she's hanging out with Keefe right now; he dropped by earlier." That's easy code language for 'Keefe is winning and I should just give up', but I will keep on fighting for the person I want! (Yea, that's right. My girlfriend.)

I was walking into the fields of Havenfield, preparing to leap back home and totally not moping or anything like that when I saw a portal appear in the sky. It was tinted yellow, and started to glow brighter when three people fell out of it, all screaming and flailing around like a bunch of idiots. 

I stood in awe, wonder and confusion, until I realized they were heading for me. Unfortunately, they were 5 feet away from my head when I realized this. I jumped away, but they all managed to land on top of me and my bruised body. 

One of the three immediately leaped over the rest of us and ran, hopping and panting away like a moron.

Then I recognized the faces on my back. 

"Sophie? Keefe? WHAT-?" 

"Run!" Keefe screamed.

"We have to get that guy!" Sophie shouted.

They bolted after the crazy lunatic. I stood, shocked by everything that had just happened in the last, like 2 minutes. I tried to determine if this was a dream or not, and my brain demanded I lie down and sleep. But, bewildered-and confused by my girlfriend and my ex-friend's actions-I decided to follow, wheezing, panting, and calling their name as they went who-knows-where.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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