Fitz becomes EVIL (Keefe:)

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2. Btw, just so u guys know, I think Fitz IS evil. He's just trying to hide it.

Now, on with the story!)

"F-Fitz?" Sophie said shakily, and Keefe moved in front of her protectively. 

But she shoved him away. "Fitz!" She cried angrily, and Fitz turned his head slowly towards her. 

Keefe couldn't help but gasp. Fitz had scars everywhere. And...was missing an eye. "Ew." Keefe groaned.

"Sophie, come! Join the Neverseen! They are the real good guys."

"No, Fitz, your wrong! They, they murder people! Innocent people and elves!"

"INNOCENT?! Humans aren't innocent! And neither are certain elves!"

"What do you mean? Fitz, your, your turning evil! YOU BACK-STABBING LIAR!

Keefe shook his head, dizzy from the back-to-back, tennis-like argument. Meanwhile, Gethen had been calling in re-enforcements. 

Gethen laughed. "Oh, Sophie and Keefe. You cannot convince Fitz to leave the Neverseen. He's now pledged to stand by our side. Forkle!"

Suddenly, Mr Forkle appeared. "Mr. Forkle?" Keefe asked hesitantly. The Fork-dude lunged for them, and Keefe jumped out of the way.

Oh no! Keefe realized. Fork-dude wasn't interested in Keefe. He was after Sophie! Mr. Forkle was about to-


One of the walls exploded, sending everyone flying.

"Keefe, Sophie, the Black Swan's here to save you!"

Wait... Keefe recognized this voice; all too well.

"NO!" He shouted. "Sophie WAKE UP!" But she just moaned and rolled over.

"Keefe, are you ok?"

"NO! Get AWAY from me! You MONSTER!"

"1. Are you ok? Your worrying me Keefe. 2. That's not how you speak to your Mom, now is it. And 3. (She pointed at Gethen) He's starting to wake up, so lets go!"

She picked up Sophie, and started running. Keefe reluctantly followed. Then, something impossible happened: Lady Gisela teleported.

"What!?" Keefe sputtered, coming to a stop. "How!?" But his mom ignored his comment. "Come on, Keefe. I can't keep this up forever." And she beckoned to the colorful portal. It looked like it had stars in it. Lady Gisela walked in, and Keefe followed her.

But...where where they going?

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