Chapter 6: Sophie

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Sophie woke up in a brightly lit room.  She groaned from the pain in her back, and squinted her eyes. 

"Where am I?" 

"Oh, no worries dear. You'll be just fine!" 

Sophie froze in terror, and her heart started beating rapidly. She un-sheathed her dagger, Hope, and leaped off the bed. "Come out, Gisela" She hissed. There was an unsettling silence, and then...

"Peekaboo!" Gisela shouted, and shoved Sophie forcefully into a chair. "Now, enough playing games; I'm not your enemy, for God's sake. Oh, and Keefe's worried sick about you. He's tearing two lines through my rug, and that was very expensive! I mean, money doesn't grow on trees!" 

While she was ranting on about random things, Sophie's heart and stomach were doing somersaults and cartwheels. He's thinking about me! Her brain squealed in delight, but Sophie shook her head hard. "Nope." She whispered to herself. "We're just friends, and thats all we'll ever be. Nothing more." 

"Who's the lucky boy?" Gisela said snarkily, and Sophie sighed. She couldn't wait to leave this dimension. 

They exited the room to find themselves outside. And there, they found Keefe, who looked like he was worrying himself to death. Sophie ran up and hugged him. She was delighted when he hugged her back. But after 2 or 3 seconds, it began to feel a little awkward, and Sophie pulled away. But she swore she could see Gisela smirk at the blush on her face...

"Well, thanks for the hospitality," She said hastily. "But we have to go, so-"

"Wait! I just remembered something! Don't take the-"

"Bye!" Sophie dragged Keefe into a portal she had made seconds ago, and they vanished.

"Pink portal!" Gisela cried, hoping that they had heard her. She didn't want them getting stuck there. That portal was dangerous...


"Ok, so... we need to get back home. So lets see..."

"We've already been through the teal one." Keefe said. "As well es the purple one, too. And my mom went through an orange portal to get to that gigantic tree land, so-" 

"K." Sophie interrupted. "So, home isn't the teal, orange, or purple 'wormhole.' "

"You know, it probably isn't pink either. I heard my mom say something about staying away from the pink one..."

"Ok, so, hear me out. I don't exactly trust  your mom, but we'll enter that portal as a last resort. Deal?" 

"I guess..." 

"Perfect! Let's go!" She dragged Keefe into a white portal, but they immediately jumped out of it. 

"Ok." Keefe panted. "We definitely don't live on an air-less planet. Or whatever that was."  

"First of all, it was an oxygen-less planet." Sophie corrected. "Second of all, thats alright. You know what? This is good!


"Now we know our home isn't-" She started pointing at the portals they had visited. "-the teal, orange, purple, or white ones. And our homes probably not in the pink portal either. Hey, let's try the black portal!" 

"Um, Sophie? I'm not so sure about-"

Sophie had already jumped through the black portal though. Keefe's lecture was useless. 

"-that... OH COME ON!!!" Keefe jumped through the portal reluctantly. But what him and Sophie didn't see was a figure...

Following them.

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