...Mixed Emotions (Keefe)

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Keefe stared at the place surrounding him. He dropped onto his knees, and turned pale in shock. He felt Sophie place a comforting hand on his shoulder, but barely.

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He closed and opened it again. 

"W-what happened here?" His voice barely above a whisper.

Buildings had crumbled, and there was ash, destruction, smoke, and fire everywhere. By the looks of it...there had been no survivors. 

"We should go." Sophie said. She didn't recognize the place, but she could tell nuclear bombs and weapons had turned a once glorious place into a dead wasteland. 

Keefe closed his eyes, not wanting to see any of the dead bodies surrounding the place. He told Sophie "Open up a portal or something; please. I want to get out of here." 

What he didn't tell her was that he felt emotions of anger, sadness, fury, and despair radiating from the perished people. It freaked him out more than he wanted to admit. 

His worry only intensified when Sophia said "I can't! I don't understand...my teleporting abilities won't work!" 

"Of course they won't." A figure in black said. 

Keefe and Sophie gulped; then gasped when the figure pulled off his hood.

"Y-your...me?!" Both Keefe's looked each other up and down. "How?!"

But the other Keefe ignored him.

"Look, you need to get out of here. This is a dangerous place, and judging by your outfits, you don't belong here. But your friend," He nodded towards Sophie. "Said she can teleport. So I'll make you a deal: if you get me out of here, I'll help you get back home."

Keefe sighed in relief; so far, this seemed like a good deal. Until the other him said, 

"And then you'll have to let me conquer it." 

"WHAT?!" Keefe and Sophie shouted simultaneously.

Other Keefe glared at them with cold, golden eyes. "Play dumb, or refuse and I'll feed you to the zombies." 

"Zombies? Nevermind; you'll never  take over our home!" 

"Ok, but remember: you chose this path; not me." And with that, he levitated towards the tallest, (still standing) building near them. 

Then, the bodies of those whom had perished got up, sniffed the air, and started walking towards them. 

"We need to get out of here!" Keefe shouted, and Sophie shushed him, but nodded. They ran to an empty store, and barricaded the doors. 

Keefe looked out one of the windows while locking it, and gasped in both relief and excitement. He ran to Sophie and said "Sophie! On top of the building-across from here-there's a portal!" 

Sophie nodded, but didn't relax at all. When Keefe questioned why, she explained what zombies were, and what they could do. Keefe gulped. What do we do now?!

Luckily, after several minutes of planning and brainstorming, the duo had formed a plan.

Keefe would climb onto the roof of the store, and cause a distraction. While he was doing that, Sophie would climb the tower, and head to the portal. Then, Sophie would throw whatever she could find up there into a nearby ally. 

Keefe wouldn't have a lot of time, but if he ran and climbed fast enough, they would make it into the portal before the zombies had realized they had left. 

It was a solid plan, and the first steps went smoothly and according to plan.

Until Keefe tripped on a piece of rubble. 

He let out a loud grunt on impact, and scrambled to get back up. But it was too late. 

Sophie tried to distract the zombies by launching items at their heads, but their attention was fixed on Keefe. By the time he had made it half-way up the building, the zombies were almost upon him. They were so close (and fast) he started using their heads as foot-stools to push him up. Finally he made it up, with the zombies close behind. Sophie (already half-inside the portal) grabbed his arms and pulled him through. 

The portal started shrinking, and the two sighed in relief and collapsed onto the floor. But just as the portal was about to disappear, a figure leaped through. It lifted up its head, and Sophie and Keefe stifled a gasp. 

Somehow, Fitz from the other dimension had followed them. 

"Missed me?" He smirked evilly, and pulled out a long knife. "Goodbye." 

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