WHAT!? : Sophie

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"WHAT!?" shrieked Sophie.

Keefe flinched, and Gethen was now scared, confused, and startled.

When there was a knock at the door, Sophie had followed Keefe (Though he probably had no idea) and heard the entire, awkward conversation.

"Your not my dad. Grady is." She said

"Sophie, Grady is with the Neverseen."

"No, he's not! Your lying!"

"Sophie, he's tried to kill you multiple times!"

Sophie froze. Kill? She mentally slapped herself. This was a parallel universe! That's why!

But...how was she and Keefe going to get out of here, and back home? She had a boyfriend in her home realm! Fitz must have been worried sick about her!

(omg Sophie. Get a better and nicer boyfriend than Ritz Cracker)

Sophie took a deep breath, trying to quiet all the worries inside her head. 

"Sophie, are you ok? Your not acting like yourself. Want me to make you some cinnamon tea? It's your favorite, and you look a little pale." 

She wanted to kick and scream there and then, but Gethen from this realm wouldn't understand why. So, instead, she told him, "Thanks, but I can make the tea myself." 

Keefe cleared his throat. "Geth-I mean Dad", he cringed, "Sophie's feeling a little under the weather..."

"Oh, ok." Gethen understood, getting the hint. "Call me soon, ok?" He said a quick goodbye, and headed out the door. 

"Keefe, we need to get back home!"

"No worries Foster! You can teleport us outta here!"

Sophie paused, thinking.

Could she?

"Fine." She relented. "But if nothing happens?"

"Then I owe you ice cream!"

Sophie didn't really trust Keefe with food anymore, considering that he got them into this mess. But...

(Sophie your being RUDE.)


And they shook hands.

Then, they went outside, and levitated up, up, up, so high they touched the clouds, and then plummeted.


"The void looks...different." Keefe observed, and Sophie had to agree.

There were 10 different colors, each shining different colors.

"Maybe it's the path across from this one, since they are parallel universes?" Sophie guessed. That path was a beautiful teal. 

How pretty, Sophie thought.

(Yeah right. Teal is not awesome. ICE BLUE IS!)

I'm coming Fitz!

And she and Keefe dashed along the path, and through the teal portal. But when Sophie opened her eyes, she immediately collapsed. Standing in front of her was Fitz, making an oath. To join an organization. An evil one. Known as

(This is very fun lol)


Dun dun dun! Sokeefe ship will set sail! And Sofitz shall not prevail!

Btw, I totally hated making Sofitz a thing, but I needed DRAMA!


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