I'm back

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Pretty much the title.

Got a whole lot of new ideas for the plot and I've started to plan out the second half of season one and the overarching arc for season two so the overall plot is ready.

I've also been doing some light studying on actual football (sorry soccer for the Americans) so I can make the matches more exciting and less repetitive so I'm excited for that.

I'll also be working on new character designs and catching up on characters that haven't been drawn yet so I'll probably be posting the next chapter within a few days to weeks at max.

Thanks for anyone reading this, it's been very fun to work on this as a side project of mine and seeing people actual reading my work. I'm working hard to make it even better and am excited to finally get to some conflict as we're still very much in the setting up stages of season 1.

Peace Out

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now