TSFF - One

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There was a light thump as she got out of the armchair. Mousey peered around the room before crossing over to the kitchen counter, opening one of the top cupboards and taking out a box of cheerios. It poured them into a bowl on the side and opened the fridge, looking around for the carton of milk. They let out a sigh and placed her hand on her face, disappointed. Great. No milk! I forgot I used it all up yesterday on my coffee. She turned its head to look at the dry cereal on the counter. Ah, I suppose I'll have to leave it there while I go buy some. They picked up the bowl and placed it beside the microwave, before she walked down the hallway to the front door. It took their keys from the hook and unlocked the door, before heading out to the corner shop at the end of the street.

At last, Mousey was heading back home. There were an awful amount of people crowding around the building beside the store when she arrived, and as they checked their phone while waiting, it was because of a presumably dead person inside of it. Mousey believed that it was all fake, and just tried to get past both times while being pushed and shoved by paranormalists and 'detectives'. Now, it carried her groceries while reading the latest news headlines. One of them caught her eye, but not for long. A person literally disappearing in front of everyone? Nonsense. She scoffed, clicking on it to see what it said. Some weird scratching post person. Yeah, I'm not believing that rubbish. She rolled her eyes. She took several other steps, but before she could open her front door, her groceries and phone dropped onto the step, cracking the screen of the device and letting the food roll out.


"You sure this is a good idea?" A voice whispered in the darkness. There was a laugh that followed.
"Of course I'm sure! A game show! It's a wonderful idea to me!" The second voice cackled, seeming amused by the first voice's question. The first voice kept quiet now, and there were a few clicking sounds. The second voice let out a snicker.
"Three down, seventeen to go! This should be a breeze. Although, it is on the news now." They clearly found this funny. "Oh well. They don't know why it's happening, so we're pretty safe for the time being! Right, buddy?"
There was a slight laugh from the first voice as the other nudged them, "I guess so."

Tattle's Show for FreedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora