TSFF - Eleven

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Mousey fiddled awkwardly with the orange ribbon it carried with herself. Not too far off, she noticed Tattle speaking quietly to the members of Team Fish in a particularly cheerful mood. They probably got the prize for being the least fearful out of the teams, which was lucky considering they were the first team up for elimination. Feathery and Rat had their tails wrapped around themselves, while Paper Ball and Collar watched the members of Team Bird with curiosity. The lack of conversation was strangely uncomfortable, but after a few minutes of waiting, Tattle shifted over to the screen where the elimination was taking place. "Well, Team Bird! Your team has had the most fear on the fear factor chart within the last challenge, so you all are up for elimination." The host paused for a moment, checking something. "I would do the elimination the same way as before, but... I don't have the patience. So I'll just say the votes based on who is safe!" He smiled. There were a few annoyed groans from Team Bird, but meow brushed it off and the television screen flicked on. "The first member safe, with one vote, is Milk. The second safe is Cat Cave, with two votes!" He exclaimed, watching Milk and Cat Cave sigh with relief. Mousey spaced out a little bit, remembering Feathery and Paper Ball walking over to those two and speaking to them. Meanwhile, it continued. "With two votes as well, Bell Ball is also safe!" Tattle grinned menacingly at the two who remained. "It's up to Bird Ball and Scratchy! Who will stay, and who will leave?" Tattle questioned the contestants. Paper Ball watched intently. "The contestant with the most votes, at 6, is... Bird Ball! Do you have any last words before you are eliminated?" Paper Ball silently cheered as Bird Ball sighed disappointedly. "This was fun! Good luck everyone, and Bell Ball - try win this for your big sister, alright?" She smiled at the blue object. Bell Ball gave her a cheerful nod and Paper Ball couldn't help but feel a bit of envy for their sibling bond. If only they liked him as much as they liked eachother... Bird Ball suddenly glowed a more neon pink colour, and disappeared. Paper Ball glanced away.

"Uhh— oh! Bird Ball was eliminated." Mousey said as she suddenly snapped back to reality. They hadn't particularly expected wing to be sent out of the game, since Scratchy was a more cautious and helpful asset despite Clawey's claims about them. It shrugged as Paper Ball and Collar walked over, the former looking relatively happy with the elimination. Mousey remembered when he was first brought here, with Bird Ball hardly seeming to care about him, but didn't bring it up in case it was a private issue. "I like your ribbon, Mousey! I didn't notice you had it with you until now." Collar commented sweetly, and Feathery nodded in agreement. "I think Paper Ball has one too, somewhere." She glanced at him, who took a small, darker blue ribbon out and tied it around his leg. Mousey glanced at it - it was a nice shade of blue, and she assumed the younger one liked that colour quite a bit. "That's nice." She smiled at him and he waved his hands a little in response.

Laser sighed quietly, standing up. He was always concerned for others, and seeing the somewhat stressed out Milk and Cat Cave made him feel a lot of concern. He walked over to them and kneeled down a little. "Are you two okay? You both look a little worried." He murmured, getting their attention. Milk sighed a little and spoke, despite looking like he didn't want to. "Well, uh.. I'm concerned for Cat Cave. He needs medication for his.." he glanced at the other, who nodded softly.".. schizophrenia. His gets really bad and we don't know where to get it. He ran out of his prescription before we got here and Tattle can't seem to find it either. I don't really know what he's seeing, but he's already a bit paranoid." He wrapped an arm comfortingly around his fiancé and Laser gave a look of pity. "I see. Well, I could always try to convince Tattle to try get some from wherever you get it from if you need it." Laser murmured. Milk smiled softly. "You really don't need to, you know. You're from another team, and..." "Please, let me. That kind of thing is more important than a simple team rivalry in a competition show. And anyway, it wouldn't be fair play if the members of a team were less mentally stable than the other teams - it would just be horrible." Laser said with confidence. Milk silently agreed with this and the taller one walked away from the two, towards where he knew the host stayed before and after challenges.

Paper Ball picked up Rat, spinning it around in the air, much to its dislike. Collar let out a loud giggle at this, and Mousey and Feathery couldn't help but let out a chuckle at this too. He lowered the other and it glared directly into her eyes. Without warning, it slid out of his hands and barrelled into her feet, knocking him over and causing Collar to laugh even more at this. He shook herself out and got up, chasing after the other dramatically. Mousey smiled as she watched her teammates play and have genuine fun in this competition. It was refreshing, after all.

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