TSFF - Two

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Mousey had been sleeping for a while. Finally, she was able to get up and felt the soft texture of the bed underneath them. She let out a yawn and rolled over sleepily, only to find a face peering at it. With a loud yelp, she jumped backwards and stared into the face of the stranger, eyes wide with terror. "Who the heck are you?!" It yelled at them.
"Heyy, don't shout!" The newcomer covered their ears at the yelling. It appeared to have a child-like voice, so clearly they weren't a threat to Mousey. She now immediately felt bad.
"Sorry for yelling, kid-" She began, hesitantly.
"It's totally fine!" The other chimed in before she had a chance to finish. "You were scared so you had a reason!"
Mousey's eyes drifted away from the other as she examined their surroundings. This isn't my house... where on earth am I? She thought, jaw almost dropping. This place was giant, and looked nothing like her home! She glanced down and almost felt herself falling. That's steep. No way am I going down there! She gulped, backing up. She flinched as the other one spoke again.
"Do you know where we are? I don't. This place is so weird and huge and scary, and I can't find my sister!"
"Your sister? Were you with her before you got here?" Mousey asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I was! I was in the park with her, we were on the seesaw together! I don't know where she is now."
"Don't worry, kid." She said softly, patting the other on the back, hearing the sound of a small bell. "You'll be safe as long as you stay with me! I won't let you fall down, and I'm sure we'll find your sister!" Mousey announced boldly as she continued to look around the place. They noticed the shape of another object, tall like her, on one of the other parts. Nervously it peered closer and she made out the shape, colours and eventually object of the silent one there. Hang on a second... is that a scratching post object? She felt her heart drop into her stomach. Didn't the news say a scratching post person disappeared in front of a whole crowd? Could that be... She fumbled around but couldn't seem to find her phone. Did I drop it? Where is it? Oh, this is bad! She went back to staring at the other in complete horror, and time felt slow as she did.

Several hours had passed. There had been moments where objects had been brought in from thin air. Now there was Mousey, the scratching post, the small blue ball, a bell tube, a collar and a milk carton.
"Hey mouse spring person. Do you think there's going to be any more objects arriving here?"
"Not sure." She mumbled, wiping their face a little. "It seems likely, but I don't even know why were were here in the first place, nevermind why we need any more objects."
"Well, why don't we go down there?" The blue ball pointed down at one of the parts, which appeared to have four seats and a wide television screen in front of them. "It might say something."
"Huh. Good idea, kiddo!" She smiled, getting up and picking up the other. She walked over to the ladder and shuddered slightly. I pray that I won't fall down into that...abyss. It held their breath and climbed down, keeping a tight but careful hold on the child as she did so. At last she was on flat ground again, and carefully it placed the ball child back down.
"Haha! I was right!" She heard a little voice come from the other. "Look! The screen says.. 6 out of 20!"
"6 out of 20?" Curiously they looked around and counted the objects that were there. "6... there's 6 objects here. Does that mean there's going to 20 objects brought here?! Really?!" Her fists clenched and teeth gritted. Why was it taking so long, and why did they have to be involved in this?
"Hey, mouse person, you never told me your name." The child said.
"Oh, I didn't? Sorry kid. My name's Mousey." She mumbled, trying to keep her cool as she spoke.
"That's a cool name! My name is Bell Ball!" He hopped up and down before yelling out. "Hey green collar, milk carton, bell tube and scratching post! Come here!"
It took a while, but eventually all of the other objects were standing by the television, introducing themselves. By the time they had finished, two more objects - a ceramic food bowl and a goldfish plush - had arrived, the bowl nearly breaking because of the fall. There was Mousey, Bell Ball, Scratchy, Tubey, Collar and Milk, as well as the two newcomers, Food Bowl and Goldfish. As they spoke and chatted together, they heard a voice ring out above their own - a new voice that they didn't recognise, a voice that struck fear into the objects gathered. "Welcome new friends, to my own game show!"

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