TSFF - Nine

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Laser tapped his hand on one of the seats awkwardly. He was surrounded by his team as usual, who seemed to be listening to what he had said before, which was 'acknowledging who their enemies were'. However, he noticed that Bag was trying to edge away from the group and he gave her a soft glance. "Hey Bag. What're you doing?" He asked her curiously, and she quickly snapped around. "UhI was just listening to what Tattle said!- you know.. speak to people outside of your teams..?" She hesitated, waiting for his response. He sighed and shrugged, "whatever. You can go if you want. The rest of you can too, duh. I don't control you guys. That wouldn't be very nice of me." He said, half-sarcastically. Bag's eyes lit up and she ran off. Tin flipped around and yelled after her, before running off too. Laser sat down and noticed Food Bowl and Water Bowl remained beside him. He shrugged, deciding that they weren't particularly fans of talking to people out of their groups. He yawned and waited for the time to pass.

Paper Ball noticed Bag rushing over to their team. He turned over to where she was going, and Collar also did. Bag ran over, grabbing Collar's hand and rushing off again. Her brother Tin yelled at her, "BAG! STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!" before chasing after her again. Paper Ball glanced around before following them all, curious as to what they were doing. Bag had now stopped and was quickly talking to Collar, who replied, seemingly finding this interaction normal despite being quite literally snatched from her teammates. Tin stopped and nearly fell over out of exhaustion, before snapping at Bag for running off like that. She just laughed before introducing Tin to Collar. As Paper Ball approached, she could hear that Collar and Tin had become friends after being knocked off the platform last challenge. He recalled Bag picking him up and bringing her out of the water, remembering how grateful he was. Then, she was dragged out of her thoughts as he heard Collar speak. "Hey Paper Ball!" She waved at him and he absentmindedly waved back, moving to stand beside her. Collar turned to Tin and Bag and introduced Paper Ball. "This is my teammate, Paper Ball!" Tin and Bag blinked, the latter smiling and saying, "Hi, Paper Ball!" Paper Ball was surprised to be greeted like this. It was a lot nicer than being greeted by an adult, like most of Team Rodent or people at his job back at home. People around his age seemed to be a lot nicer, and less... judging? He thought, and waved at them too. Tin seemed curious, and asked a question to Collar. "Does he not have a mouth?- Not like that's bad, just, how.. does he communicate to you guys?" Collar blinked and glanced at her, before replying sweetly, "He uses sign language! I don't understand it myself, but Feathery does, and they can translate it to us usually. It's pretty cool." Tin nodded and turned back to Paper Ball. Bag and Collar were distracted now, talking among themselves. Tin rolled his eyes. "After Bag met Collar, I think she's not listening to Laser as much. He told us to understand who are enemies are, which she isn't doing! She's making friends out of the enemies, which won't benefit us later on. Its different to just talking to them, since all she does now is think about - and even TALK about - Collar! I don't know what she sees in here. She's just another enemy." Tin scoffed, raising his knees and wrapping his arms around them. Paper Ball found this funny, and signed, 'sounds like jealousy. Get used to it, your siblings might eventually prefer other people over you. I would know.' Tin glanced at her and blinked, confused. "I might know a bit of sign language but all of that was just complete nonsense. Could you get your translator over here?" He said jokingly, and Paper Ball sat down beside Tin. The other glanced at him and huffed, glaring away. Collar and Bag were still talking, and Paper Ball looked away boredly.

Mousey watched Collar and Paper Ball with Tin and Bag. She snickered softly, especially at Bag and Collar. She glanced down at Rat. "If one of them go miserable after the other's elimination, I deserve £100." They said to her cousin, who grinned softly before replying. "Nah, I'm not taking that bet. Mostly because I would never want to give you £100." It said in a somewhat truthful tone. Mousey let out a little laugh and sat down beside Rat. She glanced up. "I feel bad for Tubey. Imagine being the first contestant eliminated from the game!" They said, and Rat agreed. "Oh well. If he had stayed, they would've been an issue to deal with in other challenges. He seemed the most normal of the team." It said, and it was right. Mousey sighed and looked around. Bird Ball and Bell Ball were both annoying Scratchy, Clawey and Goldfish. Remembering Clawey's subtle words about Scratchy, Mousey decided that was probably not a good thing for them both to do. Milk and Cat Cave were being taunted by The Bells and Catnip, who seemed to be yelling something about wanting the two to kiss. How odd. Food Bowl, Water Bowl and Laser were talking among themselves as usual. Most of the Team Cat members were pretty antisocial and reserved, except Bag, and Tin to an extent. Feathery was silently watching Tin and Paper Ball, fighting the urge to go over after seeing Paper Ball do some sign language. Mousey chuckled quietly and hummed to herself, waiting for Tattle to make meows way back for the next challenge.

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