TSFF - Seven

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Tattle took a moment. He waved for the contestants to step back, and they complied reluctantly. Then, just as Laser had expected, a whole course was raised out of the entire ground. This stunned most of them, with the exception of Laser, Scratchy, Clawey and Catnip. The host then clapped his hands together twice, and all of the teams were on the platform, standing far above the ground which was now a pool. "Let the challenge begin!" The host called out, before teleporting onto a platform fairly close to the segment they were on. Mousey quickly turned to her teammates, casually crossing their arms as it looked over to them. "Here's the plan - we'll split up to get the other teams. Me and Paper Ball will go together, Feathery and Collar will go together and Rat can go alone. You all think you can do that?" As its group nodded, they clenched her fists - jokingly - and smiled excitedly. "Then, lets do this!"

Scratchy ran forward with no warning, leaving his team a little stunned, but clearly thrilled. Meanwhile, The Bells all grabbed the hands of Tubey and Catnip and charged off, the two held ones seeming very displeased. Laser had went with Water Bowl and Food Bowl, while Bag and Tin had went together. Clawey and Goldfish split off, clearly not wanting to help each other out due to their very contrasting personalities. Bird Ball and Bell Ball went off together, and Milk alongside Cat Cave went another way. Feathery and Collar went off and Rat skidded away quickly, leaving Mousey and Paper Ball. She turned to the shorter one, nodding to him slightly. "Lets go, buddy!" Paper Ball nodded and charged off.

The challenge went by awfully fast. The first to knock people off was Scratchy, to nobody's surprise. He ran towards Team Fish and knocked three of the members off - The Bells, Tubey and Catnip. He glowered over his success, and in less than 5 seconds, he was struggling with Clawey to throw the other off. This lasted a long 10 seconds, and finally Clawey knocked Scratchy off. Mousey watched it all go by, quite surprised at the amount of conflict the two had. She shook her head and glanced in another direction, noticing their cousin Rat. It skidded around the platform with ease, eventually making it over to Cat Cave and Milk. It thought, then charged directly into Cat Cave's legs, knocking him of voids feet and making him cling onto the platform with an arm. Milk made an attempt to help void up, but Rat hit their legs with a lot of force. Milk caught onto the edge with their right arm and grabbed Rat with his left, stunning the other. To Mousey's surprise, Milk fell off deliberately, taking Rat down with it. They glanced at her hands nervously - if one of her teammates were already gone, that couldn't be good.

Laser walked along the platform, with Water Bowl beside him with Food Bowl on top. For now, the group hadn't been bothered. That didn't last very long. Bell Ball and Bird Ball charged at them, the winged ball flying directly into Water Bowl. This knocked her over, as well as Food Bowl, right over the edge. However, thanks to Food Bowl, he grabbed her by the leg with one hand on held on with another. However, Bell Ball reached down and squeezed Food Bowl's hand tightly, causing him to drop his sister. Laser clenched his fists angrily, running at Bird Ball. He grabbed her by the wing and tossed her downwards, below the height limit. He watched with satisfaction as Tattle called out. "Bird Ball, thanks to Laser, you can no longer fly back up!" The other crossed her arms furiously and flew down, while Bell Ball hesitantly backed away, running off. Laser grabbed Food Bowl's hand, lifting him up. The other looked upset, still looking down to where she had fallen. "I thought we would win this together." He sighed. Laser's eyes rounded with worry. "It's alright, Food Bowl! We'll win this together, I promise. Water Bowl falling off will not be in vain." He grinned, holding the other with one arm, continuing to make its way along the platform.

Mousey had lifted Paper Ball onto her head. The other was looking around, trying to look for a target. Meanwhile, more people were being pushed off. Of course there was Laser, who had thrown Bird Ball off the edge with quite some force after Water Bowl had been knocked off. She hadn't even known such a timid, caring object could be that aggressive, especially in front of Bird Ball's siblings. Technically Paper Ball hadn't cared - he had actually found it a bit funny, it seemed - but Bell Ball had been terrified. Now, it saw Goldfish, 'cornering' Bag and Tin, laughing at them as he kicked the pair off the edge. At least Goldfish and Clawey were actually doing something, considering how the rest of their team had been disqualified in the first minute. What wasn't good though, was that Clawey was making his way towards Feathery and Collar, with the idea of getting them out of the challenge. She watched with worry as Clawey kicked Collar off and prepared to charge at Feathery. She took a deep breath and yelled, "Come on, Feathery! Knock him off! You can do it!" Their voice was surprisingly loud, and Feathery had clearly heard it. They glanced at Mousey for a moment, giving the thumbs-up, and as Clawey charged at them they grabbed the other and swooped him right off their feet. Clawey had no time to react - Feathery had already shakily kicked them off the edge. They glanced back at Mousey and seemed alarmed, pointing at something. Before she could turn to look, she felt something land on her head next to Paper Ball and they sprung back. Paper Ball had been thrown off, landing on the platform forcefully, eyes wide.

The other jumped off and she noticed it was Bell Ball, attacking his poor sibling. The two scrabbled around, punching and kicking at eachother. It was like watching two cats fighting. Finally Bell Ball backed out of the fight and raised his voice. This seemed deliberate, due to what he had said. "Paper Ball! You're an ABSOLUTE MISTAKE, you hear me?! So just back down, suck it up, you MISERABLE thing!" He yelled out. Paper Ball's eyes teared up and he quite literally 'balled up', and Bell Ball grabbed his arm. He threw him off the edge and laughed, turning to Mousey. However, before either of them could do anything, there was a yell from somewhere else on the platform and they turned to see Goldfish being thrown off the edge by a quite distraught looking Laser. Tattle blew a loud whistle, bringing their attention to him. "And that's the challenge wrapped up! Jeez, how long was that, 30 minutes? You all did wonderful! Especially you all who are still in the game, wow. Mousey, Feathery, Bell Ball, Laser and Food Bowl. I'll see you all soon!" Tattle clapped his hands and they were all teleported beside the pool of water, where some of the disqualified contestants were still swimming. Except for Paper Ball, Cat Cave, Rat and Collar of course. Mousey sighed, rubbing her head, thankful the challenge was over now.

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