TSFF - Eight

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Paper Ball sat, hands on his knees as he stared down at the water that was there. She was silent - as usual, since he couldn't speak - while listening to the host's words that echoed through the large competition room. "Contestants! Now that the challenge is over, its time for... the elimination! Make your way to the area, as one member of Team Fish will be going home!" The smaller one stood up and awkwardly looked around, before making her way to Tattle. The others followed behind him, and as the group moved Tattle went along to explain things. "At the elimination, everybody from Team Cat, Team Rodent and Team Bird will select one of the members of Team Fish to be eliminated. Team Fish cannot influence the vote, and the other teams may discuss it if they would like to. The contestant with the most votes at the end of the elimination will be, of course, eliminated! Afterwards they will be sent back home." Tattle nodded and pointed a finger, showing Team Fish where to stand while the vote played out. Paper Ball looked towards her teammates, who were awkwardly stood together. It paused and tapped Collar on the shoulder. Her, as well as Team Rodent, looked towards him. He hesitated before signing out 'who are you all voting for?'. For a moment the team were confused, but Feathery nodded and said, "My vote's cast for Tubey. As much as he seems to be a good player, he's probably keeping Team Fish together. The more dysfunctional a team is, the easier it is to win against them." There was an uncomfortable pause for a moment after that. Then it clicked, and Collar noticed. "Ohh! Paper Ball is doing sign language! I.. don't know it, but clearly Feathery does!" After a short nod, the team gathered close and discussed their votes.

Laser inputted his vote into the screen. The numbers on it lit up. It read 14/15. He turned his head and peered around. "Who's the last one to vote?" He asked, looking around the crowd. Eventually Scratchy got up and walked over, and Laser shifted out of the way awkwardly. I guess that answers it... He stepped back and after a few minutes, the numbers lit up more and now read 15/15. Tattle appeared, once more out of nowhere, and waved at Team Fish. As the team up for elimination sat down on the seats, the ones who voted separated and watched from behind. The television screen flicked on and Tattle stood beside it. "Hello, and welcome to the elimination! You contestants voted for one of the members of Team Fish to be eliminated from the game, and go back home. Lets not waste any more time, now, and get on with this!"

Tattle crossed his arms and grinned. The screen flickered and the first vote appeared onto the screen. Tubey. Said contestant held his hands together nervously, and as his icon appeared two more times, he seemed more afraid. Tubey was on three votes. Although, the fourth vote was to Catnip, who blinked confusedly. Clawey was next, who didn't seem too surprised at this. After all, he lasted quite long and got two people out. Goldfish's icon flicked onto the screen twice, and he scoffed at this. Tubey, Clawey, Clawey. Tubey was on four, Clawey on three, Goldfish on two and Catnip on one. "Its down to 5 more voters! Good luck, members of Team Fish!" Tattle grinned before the next vote flicked on. Tubey. Catnip. Goldfish. Goldfish. Tubey. That was the last vote. Then, a loading bar appeared on the screen and flickered again. Tubey on six, Goldfish on four, Clawey on three and Catnip on two. Most of them breathed a sigh of relief, with the exception of Tubey. He looked down, clearly upset at this. "Ah, I guess that's it, then. I'm the first eliminated from the show. It was bound to happen, I'm.. not the best asset, haha. Well, it was fun meeting you all! Ring, Chime, Ding. You three stay safe, alright?" He walked over to the Bells, who nodded in response. He smiled softly at them and walked over to Tattle. "Goodbye Tubey!" The host nodded, snapping his fingers. Then, the eliminated Tubey glowed a bright red aura, and was teleported away. Everyone peered around for a moment and Tattle grinned. "You all will have some time to speak to each other, perhaps even to people outside of your teams, before the next challenge begins. Bye bye!" He waved and vanished.

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