TSFF - Twelve

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Watching. There wasn't much the little object could do, other than watching and listening. Nobody was talking, so he could only watch. Objects were mostly in their teams, with the exception of him and his little friend group. Paper Ball took a careful look. Mousey, Feathery and Rat were talking, but he couldn't make out their conversation, which was normal. Food Bowl and Water Bowl were talking among eachother as well. Scratchy was... yelling at Goldfish. Even from across the area, the anger and volume of the tall one's voice was clear. He could recognise rage in someone's tone better than anyone else. Milk was sitting next to Cat Cave, and as Paper Ball watched the lip-reading, it seemed that the topic was something to calm the other down. Bell Ball was a way's off, sitting on his own and looking a little bit down compared to those around. For a moment, she felt bad as he watched her little brother there. His knees were up to his face and he seemed sorrowful. He got up slowly and took a step forward, hesitating. Would he really be able to comfort Bell Ball?


A loud ringing sound, as well as the sound of a few grunts of pain and a fall, came from behind her. Bag turned and blinked in surprise. Catnip and The Bells had tripped over, crashing right into Paper Ball. She almost let out a laugh seeing this but didn't, just in case someone was hurt. She got up cautiously and walked over. Catnip's legs appeared to be tangled in a part of The Bells' string. Ring, Chime and Ding were almost stuck together in a way, from the extra pressure on the string. Paper Ball seemed unharmed, but after he dragged himself out there was a bleeding scrape on his left leg. She winced as the other got up and applied pressure to it. "Paper Ball!" She called out, stepping carefully over the tangled mess and kneeling down beside him. The other had no clear emotion but was still trying to stop the bleeding of the wound. "Are you alright? That looks painful." She glanced at him. The other just nodded quickly and looked around. After a minute of frustrated looking, he glared and grasped a small piece of himself, pressing it onto the wound even though it was ripped off. "What. Paper Ball, don't do that! Doesn't that, like... hurt?" She blinked in clear surprise. He paused and nodded, but seemed to not care about the pain. Odd. After several minutes of silence however, Paper Ball removed the piece from the injury, which was now clear of any blood. Bag was fairly surprised at how quickly it was done. The other seemed fine now, and the mischievous four got themselves untangled after a while.

"Laser! Great to see you here." A voice called out. Laser shuddered at it as he stopped in his tracks. A smiling face of the host greeted him. "I've barely spoken to you since this thing started, how's it been? Is your team good? The other contestants posing as a threat?" Tattle asked plenty of questions, he huffed. "The team is great. Food Bowl and Water Bowl are good at teamwork, and Tin and Bag have good, social energy in them. I don't have a problem with anyone else, since I haven't spoken to them that much. Mousey, Feathery, Milk and Cat Cave seem friendly enough, though." He muttered in reply to both of the questions. Tattle nodded intently, but didn't seem to have a reply to either of these. "Great. Are the conditions good?" Laser felt himself become slightly worried at this question. He didn't quite know how to reply. "Well.. the conditions are fine. Nobody has fell from the platforms or been harmed since I last checked. There's only really one flaw." He paused. Tattle, however, didn't seem bothered, other than correcting him. "Paper Ball scraped his leg just then. Continue." He smiled. Laser trembled. "Well, I know it isn't necessary for objects' survival, but.. maybe we could use some food and drinks? Maybe other things, like.. I could try get Cat Cave's medication for him-" "That won't be necessary." The volume increase caused Laser to almost fall back in alarm but he straightened himself and kept quiet. "Sure, food and water helps an object stay happy and awake, but I don't think happiness is all that important in the competition! Besides, we have a recovery machine. With Cat Cave's medication... he doesn't need it. It doesn't kill him if he doesn't have it, so it isn't necessary." "But, Tattle, it might have a bad effect on him later on." He squeaked out. "Laser, darling." Tattle said smoothly. "That's just what makes it fun." The host placed a hand on Laser's cheek and he flinched as Tattle's claws scraped down his face. "ah. I won't bother you anymore, Tattle." He took a worried step back and Tattle nodded slowly, turning around and continuing what he had done before. Laser quickly made his way out.

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