The Monstrous Nightmare

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The grounds have been transformed. Banners and flags flap in the morning sun. Surrounding the ring, a festive crowd had gathered. All of Berk has turned out for the event.

STOICK: Well, I can show my face in public again. If someone had told me that in a few short weeks, (Y/N) would go from being, well... (Y/N), to placing first in dragon training... I would've tied her to a mast and shipped her off for fear she'd gone mad.
Yes! And you know it!  But here we are. And no one's more surprised...  (Y/N) standing at the entrance to the ring, listening, looking burdened.

or more proud than I am. Today, my girl becomes a Viking.

Hiccup approaches (Y/N).

HICCUP: Be careful with that dragon.

(Y/N): It's not the dragon I'm worried about.

HICCUP:What are you going to do? Put an end to this.

(Y/N): I have to try... Hiccup. If something goes wrong... just make just make sure they don't find Toothless.

HICCUP: I will. Just promise me it won't go wrong. Gobber approaches.

GOBBER: It's time, (Y/N). Knock him dead. (Y/N)  puts her helmet on and enters the ring.


HOOTING and HOLLERING from the stands.

TUFFNUT: Show 'em how it's done!

(Y/N) locks eyes with Stoick. Stoick nods with a smile. (Y/N) returns a half-smile.  She hoists a shield onto her forearm and chooses a small dagger.

(Y/N):I'm ready. The door bolt is raised. The crowd grows quiet... Beat. BOOM! The doors blast open, Followed by a Monstrous Nightmare, coated in flames. It climbs the walls and chain enclosure like a bat, hissing at the provoking crowd and blasting fire.

It spots (Y/N) and descends. The crowd grows silent, bracing for the big fight. With the Monstrous Nightmare's eyes locked upon her, (y/n) deliberately drops her shield and dagger stepping away from them.

The dragon pauses, confused.

STOICK: What is she doing? The dragon presses closer, snorting. (Y/N) extends her open hand. It snarls

    It's okay. It's okay. The dragon continues to pace, focused on... (Y/N) 'S HELMET. (Y/n) realizes, then reaches up and removes it. Taking a breath to acknowledge the point of no return, she tosses the helmet aside. It hits the ground.
I'm not one of them. (GASPS and MURMURS) race through the crowd.

All eyes turn to Stoick. He's welling with upset. (Y/n)  avoids Stoick's glare and remains focused on the Nightmare, holding her hand out.

STOICK: Stop the fight.

(Y/N): No. I need you all to see this. The crowd gets restless.

(Y/N):They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them.


Stoick hits his hammer against the iron enclosure, rattling the arena with a terrible reverberating clatter. Scared, the Nightmare snaps at (y/n)'s outstretched hand. She yelps and springs backward.
The Nightmare reacts to her sudden movements and blasts another stream of fire. (Y/n)'s arm was partly burnt from the fire.
(Y/N) screams at the pain on her arm but continues running.

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