Nightmares Part Three

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Title: Nightmares
Description: Merlin looks like he's been through hell and back. His face is pale, he has huge eye bags, and he almost never genuinely smiles anymore. Not that Arthur has said anything about it (yet). But, he's worried. Something is wrong. And he's going to find out what. Oh yeah, and they also get kidnapped.
Word Count: 2,449
Part: 3/3


Mordred looked around. He was in a dark and damp cell. He was cold, and couldn't remember how he had gotten here. The last thing he remembered was walking back to his chambers and then... Nothing. He obviously wasn't in his chambers.

"Oh, good. You're awake," a voice said.

Mordred wasn't able to see who said that, as they were hidden in a dark corner of the room, where the torchlight didn't quite reach. He knew it was a she, as the voice was feminine. It was also very familiar, but he couldn't put a face or name to her voice.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The woman stepped out into the light.

"Morgana," he stated, slightly surprised, "I had heard that you had betrayed your family and friends to dark magic, but I couldn't quite bring myself to believe them until now."

"I'm not the betrayer here," she said, "Emrys is. And you know where he is."

Mordred stayed silent, so she continued.

"I want to be your friend, Mordred. We're kin. Just tell me where Emrys is, and everything you've done will be forgotten. I'll let you out and you'll have a place by my side."

"Everything I've done? I'm not the one who has done things that need forgiving, Morgana."

She scowled, "You've betrayed your kin by becoming a knight of Camelot, the very kingdom that would have you killed for how you were born. You follow Emrys, the betrayer and you stabbed me!"

Morgana reeled in her anger before she continued, much calmer and friendlier, "But, as I've promised, I will let you out and you will have a place by my side when I take over Camelot and make magic legal again. If only you'll change your loyalties and tell me where Emrys is."

"You were so kind and compassionate when I was a child. You wouldn't have done the things you have. What changed? Why are you like this?"

"Uther made me like this," she spat out, "Him, and his stupid laws against magic. He would have killed me if he found out the truth!"

"You're no better than him!" Mordred yelled, "In fact, you're just like him!"

If the two of them weren't separated by the cell bars, Morgana would have slapped him.

"Last chance Mordred. Tell me where Emrys is, and I'll let you go. Or, I'll torture it out of you and kill you once I capture him and show him who revealed him."

"You won't get anything from me," Mordred said, determined not to let Merlin down. He could be strong. He would. He has to be.


Merlin woke up feeling worse than he ever has before.

"Merlin!" Elyan shouted, the first to notice that their friend had awaken.

Merlin sat up slowly, and gave a weak smile.

"I- What happened?" he asked.

"We were kidnapped," Percival explained.

Merlin groaned, leaning up against a part of the cage that there were no knights tied to.

"What do they want this time?" he sighed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, "To ransom Arthur, or kill him?"

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