Hero Public Safety Commission

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"You got a new mission." THE BLACK LIMOUSINE pulled up next to an old bark tree, the windows rolled down and a man with glasses and a trimmed beard huffed. "We expect to hear good results, tomorrow."

Zera grunted, not liking the sound of her new mission, "I'll do as I please."

She snatched the envelope harshly, leaving no time for the informant to explain bits and details of the new mission. She read the acquired information at the light of speed. The informant thought she was slacking off goofing around as she flipped through the pages quicker and quicker as she read through.

"I don't get why the Hero Public Safety Commission hired two useless girls to work with us. You guys do whatever you want." His tone sounded venomous, the contempt of his anger subsided when he saw Zera glare at him.

Zera approached the limo and loomed over the window, her eyes crazed, "I shouldn't be talking, driver. I've contributed more than you have~"

He clenched his jaw, blood boiling as Zera smirked in satisfaction. "I'll get the job done in an hour so you better be here. You folk tend to laze out more than I do, it's almost ironic how you complain. " She taunted getting the reaction she wanted, humiliation.

"Trash like you should know your place!" Zera had revealed an ability she had not used in a while considering the restrictions she had, Satan Soul courtesy of MiraJane whose power she ate to get her magic.

Zera worked under the Hero Public Safety Commission with Celine under Hawk's command, they know they have multiple abilities besides what they were registered to have, but not all. The Association knows that Zera has dragon like abilities and the powers of a fantasy witch and thought that her Enchantment powers would be more useful if she registered it as her quirk.

When they signed the contract with Hawks, they were automatically introduced to the head of the Hero Comission. They needed "spies" and "agents" to work undercover and for them, and Celine and Zera were the right candidates for the position.

Testing their capabilities the Hero Association hired them on the spot as they had set new records on the tests given. When they were hired they acquired a license to use their quirks other wise known as a hero license, but could only be used on duty and not for selfish reasons.

With enough trust Hawks knew of their true capabilities and powers, and it terrified him at the thought of it being used against them as heros. The terror they could bring if they were villains would be the end of the world.

The Hero Commission was not what Zera thought they would be. She figured out the day she signed up that everything has a dark side. With tasks to clean up trash the Commission deemed a threat, would result in disappearances the next day.

At any given moment the two girls could be labeled a threat because of the powers they possess. Luckily their "cousin Hawks" vouched that it would not be necessary as their powers are not threatening.

It was a good thing that the Commission did not know that the two girls were from another world that could possibly be a threat to humanity in their world if they truly had evil intent to do so. Luckily under the protection of Hawks, he would be there to prevent that from happening as he had gotten attached to the girls and couldn't bear the thought of ever losing them. For they were his true family.

He was already too late in pulling them out of his line of work. He knew that after they signed the contract they couldn't escape.

Before Zera could dismiss herself, the back window slowly rolled down and the face of a familiar man grinned so slightly, "Now's not the time to play games this isn't a playground. Agent 003 has already been assigned to take care of cleanup duty. And although you and 003 have been working under us for a couple of months now... Might I remind you who gave you your power."

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