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I was just hit by truck-kun and currently i don't even know where am i.

Last time i saved a little girl but this place is not the infamous white room where reincarnations are made.

I am in middle of no where.

I just want to say, If i am going to reincarnate in some other world, It must have magic in it.

And i also want to fly.

Like ever that gonna happen.

Just where the fuck am i? This place is like void.

Dark and never ending.

I was just a highschool boy who was fond of anime and mangas.

Along with videogames for sure.

And i died a pitful death, Hit by truck-kun.

But can we call it pitful death.

I was killed by the strongest character of omni verse THE TRUCK-KUN.

I should say that i was slain by almighty truck-kun.

Now i feel proud of my death.

Its really funny, But what am i gonna do for eternity in this void?

I will be bored.

I want to live again.

"Are you sure about that"I heared a voice and i ignored the person and said"Yes i want to live again"

"Well then live your life"I heared someone snapping fingers and Next moment i was on a bed.

I slowly woke up"Oh it was all a dream"

But i did felt pain when truck-kun hit me.

And i am sure, We can't feel pain in dreams.

So was it all real?

I have check it out, But first....I looked around and This is not my room.

This place is so clean, How can this be a teenagers room.

And especially when that teenager is me.

My room used to be always a mess and i never bothered to clean it.

So my first goal is to find Out, Where the hell am i?

I first walked towards the mirror and saw my reflection and i looked the same expect my hairs and eyes.

My hairs is white now while i have hetrochromia.

And before you ask this is not a incurable disease,That means i have two different eye colour.

My left eye is blood red while right is emerald green.

And i am around 16 or 17 maybe in age.

My face is same as before, But i have jawline now.

I look much better now, I didn't had jawline in my previous life and i was so damm proud of my looks and now i am even better.

Oh i am pretty.

But again the problem is where in the world am i?

I have to check it out, Just like that i went outside my room and walked downstairs, and i think i live alone in my house.

Anyway to find out more about this world i have to step outside of my House.

As i reached the exit of my house and i finally came outside of my house.

I began walking on streets, I have no damm clue where these streets will take me to.

But i can't really do anything, Can i?

I sighed and continoued walking and soon enough i realised that i was in japan.

I heared few people talking in japanese.

And i can understand them, That means i know Japanese  now as well.

Anyway i am still confused why i haven't received any of the memories of the body i have?

Or maybe its my body and i somehow got transfered here instead of being reincarnated.

It can be true.

Well anyway, Now since i know i am reincarnated or isekaied, I still have to find which world am i in?

If we go by webnovels, Than i am in one of anime worlds.

That does make sense, I am in japan afterall.

So all i have to do is figure out which anime i am in currently?

I am so dumb.

I can literally just ask anyone about the place i am in currently.

I know its japan but where in japan, I can figure it out by city name.

With that i saw a vegetable shop and i approached the female shopkeeper"Hello miss can you tell me where am i currently, I am actually new here and seems like i am lost"

"You are in kuoh,young man"The woman said

Kuoh? Like Kuoh city and Kuoh acedemy?

Kuoh mean in dxd?

The world with power of boobies.


I like action beam than oppai beam.

"Oh thanks miss, i should be going now"I said as i began walking back to my house.

I am in dxd.

In kuoh, The very same place where canon takes place.

And i have no idea what to do now.

I am a human and I don't even know if i have a sacred gear or not.

I have feeling that i don't, afterall i am not from this world.

So i am basically useless.

Shit i want to cry now, I am so useless.
That boob lover will get every girl and while i will be a by stander.

I have made up my mind.

I am not going to be a bystander,I will not be letting issei getting all girls.

If he gets all of them, How can i be able to show my face to other isekai protagonists if i ever met them.

I will be a living joke if i lost to issei.

No i am not loosing to that piece of shit.

So my first goal, Get stronger.

But how can i get stronger? I don't even know if i have a sacred gear or not.

But i can always take issei's boosted gear from him.

I will be evil if i did that.

So what else can i do to get stronger?

First, I need to get enroll in kuoh acedemy to be able to enter canon.

Second goal, Get stronger.

With those goals in my mind, i went back to my house and Slept.

Such a heptic day.

Thats it for the prologe

Do you want him to have a sacred gear?

If yes then which one? Comment down it can be A oc gear

And since he don't have wishes he won't be too op right at start.

So i am in dxd!Where stories live. Discover now