Chapter 5

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Next day, Tepes house attacked vladi house and got royal family as prisoner while the ones who joined tepes were spare while others were slaughtered.

Like cattles.

Ace was sitting on his throne and he turned to marius"Call the vladi's here, I will pass judgement on them"

Marius nodded and he ordered gaurds and they bought vladi family in front of Ace.

They were to their feet until marius kicked them and made them kneel down"Kneel before our king, You fools"

"Who are you and why you attacked us"Lord vladi asked and he got a knee in his face from marius"You are not allowed to question"

"I am Ace black, I am king of vampires, Got any problem with that"Ace said"Now i will give you one chance,Join me and live or Join your men and die"

"You attacked us for no reason, I will never join someone like you"Lord vladi said and Ace only smirked and Marius got his order and he sliced whole vladi family right there.

"Clean that mess"Ace ordered and mess was cleaned up.

"Listen marius, Like i said before i will let to handle vampires by yourself while i have other things to do"Ace said and Marius nodded"I will make sure to keep vampires in check"

Ace smiled"I know that much, I want you to train all of them and make everyone reach atleast ultimate class"

"But that will take a long time"Marius said and ace said"We have whole eternity to train, I will send you all to  a dimension, Where time do not exist, You will train everyone and then you will return back to me"

Ace threw a device at marius"Use it to get in and out of that dimension"

"I understood"Marius left to gather whole army so they can go to train.

Ace just chilled and waited for marius and others to return which should be any moment now.

He walked out and reached royal army ground and then suddenly whole army and marius teleported there and Ace smirked when he sensed their power level.

All of them were easily ultimate class while some even reached Satan class and Marius is one of them.

"So how long you all trained for? "Ace asked amd Marius replied"We were there for about a decade or so, I am sure we reached the goal you gave us"

"Yes you all did better than expected,Now i am convinced that you can stay safe even when i am away"Ace said and Marius bowed"I am glad i was able to reach your standards"

Ace then declared marius as king of vampires while he himself left to japan again.

Meanwhile somewhere in human world, Hero faction also had their eyes on Ace.

"We need to pay a visit to romania very soon"Cao cao said and heros nodded"He seems strong"

Next day,Hero faction reached Romania.

Cao cao went straight to throne room and marius asked"Who are you and who you wanna see? State your business"

"I am Cao cao and i want to meet Ace black, I heared he is king here"Cao cao said and Marius asked"Why you want to meet lord ace? "

"I want him to join me"Cao cao said and Marius smirked"How about you all join us at instead"

"Are you challenging me, Vampire"Cao cao asked and marius flatly said"Yes i am"

Cao cao summoned his spear and fight began.

Meanwhile,Ace was in his room and he got a phone call"Hello lord ace, Its marius"

"Yea speak"

"I have got some humans who want to meet you"

"Who are they? "

"A guy named cao cao with his hero faction"

"So what happened?"

"We faught and i locked them all in prison after sealing their magic"

"Good job, Marius, I will be there soon"and he hung up.

Ace teleported to romania and he went to his throne and sat like king.

He turned to his right hand man marius"Take them to me"

Marius nodded and he came back with chained Hero faction.

It was Cao cao, Heracles, Jeanne, Seigried, Marsilio, Connia and Perseus.

Whole hero faction at once chained by vampires.

Cao cao saw ace on his throne and he was about to say something but he was kicked by one of vampire"Kneel down and speak when allowed"

"Now speak why you came here"Ace said and he began"You are also a human like us, Join us we want to show those creatures that humans aren't weak"

"Your goal is same as mine,So join me instead cuz i won't serve someone who lost to marius"Ace said and Marius was filled with pride.

"Whats your goal? "Cao cao asked and Ace replied"World domination"

"Whats your organization called?"He asked and he replied"I will tell you that later on"

"But question is will you join me or prefer to die instead"Ace asked coldly and Heracle said"I will never serve someone who is weaker than me"

"Are you called me weak, fool"Ace's eyes glowed and his body began getting covered in darkness.

His toes were eaten and he fell on ground and he was screaming in pain but ace's didn' heared him and killed him with his darkness.

He turned to hero faction"Anyone else want to test me now? "

"He was a important member of hero faction,Why do you killed him"Jeanne said and He gave her a look saying'Do i look like i give a fuck'

"We agree,We will join you, Just don't kill anyone else here"Cao cao said and ace smiled and he revived heracles.

Heracles was shocked and he looked around"How i am alive again?I saw hades with my eyes? "

"I revived you, fool, Now keep your mouth shut ot i will send you back to hades"Ace said and heracles was now afraid of him and he stayed queit.

"Marius remove their chains"Ace order and hero faction was freed from chains and then marius removed seal from their magic.

"I will tell you what to do after sometime until then keep training and get stronger"Ace said and heros nodded and they left.

"My lord can i ask why you dididn't let them train like we did"Marius asked and Ace replied"They aren't trustworthy just yet"

Thats it for chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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