Chapter 4

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Bellamy's P.O.V

Clarke just saved Raven's life. She is an amazing woman. Now that we have Raven back up and better she can help us make more bullets for the guns Clarke and I found. Why is it that we always love the person that we can't always have? That is how I feel with Clarke. I feel this way because if Clarke and I were together then I people would think we aren't good leaders. But I want to be with Clarke even if it will make people think we aren't good leaders.

I decided I would go find Clarke so I could talk to her about my feelings toward her. I found her in her tent sleeping in her makeshift bed. She looks so peaceful so I don't want to wake her.

I decided to wake her after about an hour of staring at Clarke sleeping. I know it sounds creepy but it fascinates me so much how amazingly beautiful she is when she sleeps. "Hey princess, wake up." I say quietly but just loud enough for her to here. "Hey Bellamy what are you doing here? I was trying to get some sleep but since you're here what do you need?" She asks trying to wake up.

"Um, I came in here because I wanted to talk to you. But I see that you need to sleep so I can go." I say just about to walk out of her tent when she says "No wait don't go. You can talk to me I'm awake now." I don't know how I'm going to tell her how I really feel about her.

"Well you know that I like you and well um I think we should tell Octavia that were um together you know." I say nervously. "And I think that if the 100 find out about us they will think that we aren't worthy enough to be their leaders. Like we would only have time for each other and not be good leaders" I hope she doesn't get mad.

Clarke's P.O.V

"Bellamy listen to me we can be together and still be good leaders. If they think we won't be good leaders if we're together then they will have another thing coming." I say in a way that he will believe my every word. "Clarke I know but I just really want to be with you in a way where people can't judge us." Bellamy says and I know he really means what he says

"Ok Bellamy listen to me I want to be in a kind of relationship where people won't judge us but I think we need to find a way to ignore the people who judge us." I tell Bellamy. "I know we can make this work like you said we work good together."

"Ok we need to tell Octavia though." He says. "Alright let's go find her and tell her we're together." I tell him. "Ok she's probably in her tent. Come on Clarke." He says and I follow him.

Bellamy's P.O.V

Clarke and I walk to Octavia's tent together and when we get there she says "Are you sure you want to do this Bellamy." And I say "Yes, of course I want to do this."

I go in first and Clarke follows. Octavia wasn't startled to see us. "Hey O, what are you doing?" I ask. "Nothing I just wanted to get away from annoying people I guess. What are you guys here for?" Octavia asks. "Nothing much we just have to talk to you." I say. "About?" She asks.

"Well uh, Clarke and I are together and we wanted to tell you first because you are my sister." I tell her not surprised to see the confused look on her face. "Are you serious? You guys are actually together. Like together, together?" Octavia asks. "Yeah we're together Octavia, we wouldn't lie to you about something this serious." Clarke says to Octavia.

"Ok I always thought that you guys would be cute together but I never thought you guys would ever be together." Octavia says. "Yeah well we never thought it would happen but it just happened." I tell Octavia. "How do you think people will react to us being together because not everyone will be all for it like you are?" Clarke asks Octavia.

"I don't know but now you have me as backup for anybody that doesn't approve of you guys." She tells me and Clarke. "Ok good, thank you Octavia we knew we could count on you to be there for us." I say.

Clarke's P.O.V

"Alright I have to go check on Raven to see how she's doing. I will see you guys later." I tell Bellamy and Octavia. "Ok bye princess" Bellamy says. "Bye Clarke" Octavia says.

I go to find Raven. She's in her work tent with Jasper making gunpowder. "Hey Raven, how are you doing? Are you healing okay?" I ask Raven. "Yeah thanks to you I'm doing really well. You saved me from never being able to walk again. Now Jasper here is teaching me how to make gunpowder so we can make more bullets for the guns." Raven says.

"I'm so glad to here that you are doing well. And that you are making more bullets because we are short on supplies." I say to Raven. "Hey Clarke do you know where I could find Finn? I've been looking for him all day and I'm starting to worry." Raven says. "No I'm sorry I haven't seen him today either. Jasper go with Raven to find Finn and I'll go get Bellamy to ask if anyone's seen him at all." I tell Jasper and Raven. "Okay come on Raven lets go find Finn." Jasper says to Raven.

I go to find Bellamy to tell him Finn's missing. He's with Octavia in her tent still. "Hey Bell, Finn's missing and I need you and Octavia to ask if they've seen him at all today. Can you do that for me?" I ask them. "Yeah we can do that. Come on Octavia." Bellamy says. "Thank you guys."

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