Chapter 2

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Y/n groaned as he sat in detention apart from his teammates who were spread around the classroom so there was no way they could whisper to each other. Y/n stared forward boredly as he began thinking back to the time Ozpin had mixed up teams to build connections with Huntsmen and Huntress ending up in Y/n and his now dead teammate Mark joining up with Weiss and Yang to go to Atlas and protect Schnee cargo only for it to eventually turn sour what with Y/n and Weiss having not been in good terms with each other yet.

*a few months ago*

Y/n sat in a bullhead arms crossed staring forwards at Weiss with a glare on his face a glare which Weiss was more than happy to return. Mark and Yang sat awkwardly next to their respective teammates occasionally trying to strike up conversation only for Y/n's and Weiss' feud to shut it down with quick and short responses or straight up insults towards the other.
Mark: "this is just... awesome..." Mark remarked and Yang nodded in agreement but Y/n and Weiss did not budge, their glares didn't falter and it was like Mark wasn't even there same thing went for Yang as nothing worked to bring Y/n and Weiss together into civil conversation that would end up in them being friends or less hating of each other.

At times Y/n and Weiss' feud seemed one sided as Weiss showed more anger and hate towards Y/n whereas Y/n seemed more controlled and most he would do is make fun of Weiss even now in the bullhead Y/n wasn't actually glaring out of hate but really what he was doing was mimicking Weiss which still didn't help at all considering Yang didn't want Weiss to get mad and Mark didn't want Y/n, his fearless leader, to be childish.
Yang: "can't we all just try and get along...?" Yang asked nervously only a "humph!" From Weiss which Y/n was quick to mimic.
Mark: "apparently not..." Weiss glared at Y/n with a low growl and Y/n mimicked that aswell getting more and more on Weiss' nerves.

Weiss: "would you stop that!?"
Y/n: "would you stop that!?"
Weiss: "oh! Now you're copying me!"
Y/n: "oh! Now you're copying me!" Weiss' glare intensified but then she got an idea that she thought to genius.
Weiss: "i'm a childish twat!" Y/n smirked and chuckled.
Y/n: "indeed you are!" Y/n exclaimed happily before laughing at Weiss who seemed surprised her master plan didn't work.
Weiss: "eh!? You were supposed to copy me!!"
Y/n: "eh!? You were supposed to copy me!!"
Weiss: "y-you...!"
Yang: "just leave it Weiss... you aren't going to win this one..." Yang stated with a sigh as she put her hand on Weiss' shoulder her statement causing Weiss to crumble in defeat.

It was like this a lot of the time, Y/n would childishly make fun of Weiss and then he would laugh when she got mad. Sometimes Weiss would incase Y/n in ice using her glyphs or then she would just crumble in defeat and try to move on with her day. It all started at beginning of their first year at Beacon when Y/n would continuously swoop in and defend Ruby from Weiss with his childish insults but as you can probably tell, it soon became just a way of having fun for Y/n instead of a way to defend Ruby which to begin with was Y/n wanting to get close to Ruby so he could take her innocence so to speak but thats a one-off chapter for another time.

Mark and Yang knew this was going to be a long bullhead ride and granted it was but to their surprise Weiss and Y/n barely argued or made fun of each other after Y/n was done mimicking Weiss. Now, the reason why Weiss and Yang were with Y/n and Mark instead of Ruby and Blake was because Ozpin had gotten a mission from Jacques Schnee meant purely for Weiss but Ozpin didn't see it that way and so he negotiated with Jacques ending in Weiss being allowed to bring one teammate of Jacques' choosing.
Ozpin however used this as a loophole to bring two other students outside of Weiss' team on the mission with her a loophole that Jacques wasn't all too happy with for reasons he stated to be because they were both men though Ozpin had suspected it was due to some other not so much of an overly protective father like reason but more like the "i love my daughter and her friends a little differently than other dads" sort of reason.

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