Chapter 4

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Y/n: "ugh... AnotheEEEE- ow!" Y/n yelled drunkenly as he raised his glass to signal for more only to fall off his chair and onto the floor.
Bartender: "yyyyyeaahh... go home buddy..."
Y/n: "nnnnNO! I won't go home...! Cause I... am a huntsman...!"
Bartender: "uh-huh... sure buddy..." Y/n stumbled out of the bar and swayed back and forth to find the way to Beacon eventually finding it.
Y/n: "DoN't AsK wHy i'M DrUuUUnk!! It's just Weiss rejected me!! I've never been rejected before¡!" Y/n ranted after practically bursting through the door only to see Tony and Violet fast asleep in each others arms.
Y/n: "oh! Well fuck me and my feelings i guess... you two need to sleep...!" Y/n spoke in a mocking drunken voice before stumbling to his bed which he failed to notice was a complete mess that is until he layed down.
Y/n: "WHO THE FYUCK PISSED IN ME FOCKING BED¡¿!?" Violet's and Tony's eyes shot open as they woke up to the sound of an angry and drunk Y/n.

Y/n: "fuuuuck...!!! I'm seriously going to sleep in the dead guys bed..." Y/n muttered before getting up, Tony and Violet pretending to still be asleep as Y/n moved to Mark's bed and fell fast asleep on it.
Violet: "is he asleep..?" Violet whispered making Tony slowly glance over at Y/n behind him.
Y/n: "It's just... a fucking... NAME!" Tony quickly went back to snuggling Violet and pretending to be asleep with her whilst Y/n shot up to a sitting position before falling back down on to the bed snoring.
Y/n: "not that big a deal to call him... Zzzz... Cassidy.... For fucks... Zzzz.... Sake... zzzz...."

Violet: "he's just dreaming..." Violet whispered as she snuggled even closer to Tony making him blush.
Violet: "aaww... are you blushing...? Even though you just fucked the shit out of me you're blushing due to a little cuddle...~?" Violet asked with a smirk as Tony looked away in embarrassment. Violet gently put her hand on Tony's cheek and made him look at her, her smirk turning into a gentle and soft smile while the two stared at each other in the eyes.
Tony: "S-so what if I am...?" Tony quietly asked getting a giggle from Violet who wrapped her arm around the back of Tony's neck, the two inching closer and closer to each other until their lips were inches away from touching.
Violet: "I think it's cute... cute that you... blush simply because this isn't a friends with benefits type of thing anymore..." It was an understatement to say that Tony's heart was beating, he felt like he was going to crumble away.

Tony's body felt like it was experiencing an earthquake with how it wanted to shake, Tony's nerves were getting to him but he wasn't sure as to why and before he even realized it his and Violet's lips were touching. They had kissed and made out several times before so why did this feel so different? They weren't even kissing their lips just touched! That's all! And yet, right now he felt way more than he had ever felt simply just making out. How long had their lips been touching? How long had they been laying in bed snuggled up together and staring at each other? The sleeping body of Y/n had completely vanished and the thought of him waking up to accuse Tony and Violet of fucking on his bed was gone too. Right now, for Tony and Violet, the world and everything in it was just this moment, just Tony and Violet. Tony looked down at Violet's lips touching his and then looked back up into Violet's eyes, were they always this beautiful? Or was it just the moonlight? No, Tony's large body combined with how close Violet was would prevent any moonlight from reflecting off of Violet's eyes, it was just Tony's imagination.

Seconds after looking up from Violet's lips she kissed him or was it minutes? Time seemed to go so slow yet so fast especially now that the two had kissed. The kiss didn't feel normal yet it felt like the most normal of things, like this was how you were meant to kiss. Tony and Violet laid in bed, making out in perfect sync, in tandem with each other. Neither one sped up the kiss or kissed longer than the other without parting. Neither one controlled the rhythm of their session yet both were in control of it. Tony would start getting more passionate and at the same exact time so would Violet. Violet would slow down and saviour the feeling of her partners lips and Tony would do the same. No one forced the kiss further or forced it to slow down and neither of the two went beyond the kiss. It was just that, kissing, nothing more and nothing less. There was no sex and there was no groping or touching outside of cuddling and kissing. Eventually the two would stop, look at each other, smile and fall asleep together.

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