i. sneaking out

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dahlia had just finished tying her hair back into a long braid and was on her way to the kitchens to fill up her water bottle.

and then she was quickly pulled aside by the daughter of mulan, lonnie, which caused her to almost drop her water bottle.

"lonnie what the-" a hand was quickly placed over her mouth, cutting her off.

"shh! look." lonnie pointed inside of a dorm, which happened to be jay and carlos'.

dahlia was pretty good friends with the four 'vks' as she had assisted in their tour and was one of their first friends in auradon.

dahlia peeked her head into the room and saw jay, carlos and chad charming standing around a table with a 3D printing machine on it.

"uh why are you guys making fairy godmothers wand?" chad asked as he held an action figure of himself.

"uhh why are we making fairy godmothers wand?" carlos turned to jay for an answer.

"because uh..." jay trailed off seeming to not want to answer the question.

"bens been captured!" dude, carlos' dog shouted out.

dahlias mouth dropped open and she turned to face lonnie who had a similar expression on her face.

"dude can talk?" of course that's what chad was focusing on.

"i was stalling!" carlos glared at dude.

"i thought you forgot." dude sounded as sorry as a dog could.

"don't tell anyone! bens life depends on it." jay reached over and hit chad on the arm as a warning.

chad started to say something but lonnie grabbed dahlias arm and pulled her away.

"lonnie!" she hissed, "what the hell are we doing?"

"we have to go with them to rescue ben!" she whisper shouted at the long-haired girl.

dahlia looked down at what she was wearing and motioned down at her attire.

"lonnie i am in pajamas! these are not rescue mission clothes!"

"then go change. printing the wand should take at least ten minutes!"

dahlia huffed and turned to walk back to her room, which was empty as it was any time she wasn't in her room considering she didn't have a roommate.

fairy godmother insisted she got her own room because she had such long hair and didn't want the girl to have to worry about keeping it bunched up all the time.

dahlia figured the real reason was because fairy godmother didn't want to have to hear complaints from students that her hair was invading their space.

"meet me outside in the courtyard in 5!" lonnie called down the hallway.

so the girl quickly changed into a pair of dark blue auradon prep sweatpants and a tight fitting black long-sleeve shirt that would hopefully help her blend into the isle.

and as a last minute addition to her person, she grabbed the dagger her father had given her for protection.

"even a place like auradon has weirdos, you can never be to prepared!" her father pointed a finger at the young girl.

she also put her favourite lipgloss in her pocket for no apparent reason. perhaps she would meet the love of her life? but in actuality the lipgloss gave her something to fidget with when she was nervous.

dahlia sighed before opening her door and briskly walking down the hallway and to the courtyard knowing she only had around 2 minutes left in the time lonnie had given her.

dahlia couldn't possibly understand why lonnie would want her to come with, she was not by any means a fighter.

dahlia of course knew how to fight seeing as her parents wanted her to always be prepared, but hated the idea of it. she was far to kind to actually harm another person and considered herself more of a healer because of her hairs magical healing abilities.

soon enough, the girl found herself in the courtyard next to lonnie as they walked towards where they assumed the boys would be leaving from.

"dahlia you do not look anymore ready to go to the isle then you did before." lonnie quickly scanned the girls change of clothes and laughed.

"i don't own any leather, sorry lonnie!" dahlia huffed but let a smile form on her face. "besides, why do they like only wear leather on the isle?"

"maybe you can ask someone while we're there." lonnie joked.

"good idea!" dahlia said, not picking up on lonnie's joking tone.

they finally found jay and carlos as they just finished talking to doug, dopeys son.

"we're coming with you guys." lonnie stated as the boys turned around to face them.

the two boys laughed and tried to dismiss the girls.

"what? we don't need swords at the... waffle hut." jay said slowly causing carlos to turn and look at him with a look of disbelief.

"what do you mean?" dahlia cocked her head to the side, "you're going to the isle to rescue ben!" she couldn't understand why the boys would be going to waffle hut at a time like this.

lonnie ignored the girl seeing as how she was used to her oblivious nature. "look. either you take us with you, or we're gonna have to tell fairy godmother."

of course, that caused the boys to cave in and they allowed the girls to join them. lonnie squealed and looped her arms around jay and carlos' shoulders while dahlia simply smiled and skipped alongside the three.


the trip was quick and dahlia found herself on the isle for the first time ever.

she thought it looked rather sad. the sky was grey and everything around her seemed colorless. she couldn't imagine living in a place so dreary.

"i'll get the swords." jay walked towards the trunk as soon as he got out of the limo.

"okay." lonnie nodded and followed dahlia towards mal and evie.

"lonnie!" mal opened her arms for a hug.

"dahlia?" evie pulled her into a quick hug but raised an eyebrow, confused as to why the girl was here.

"we made them bring us." lonnie smiled at the two.

"technically lonnie made me come too." dahlia grinned at the three girls.

"oh i'm so glad." mal sighed.

"welcome to the isle, it's good to see you two." evie spoke quickly.

"thanks." lonnie smiled.

as soon as jay and carlos started walking over evie turned and looked down a tunnel.

"ooh, here let me see." mal motioned towards the wand in carlos' hands. "wow, what a beauty."

"it's noon." jay grimaced.

dahlia smiled, "i love noon! it's one of the best times in the day. right after sunrise and sunset!"

the group looked at the girl as if she was crazy except for evie who shot her a smile, and began their way down a tunnel.

"no one else? oh ok." dahlia shrugged, not understanding why no one shared her sentiment.


first chapter! kinda crazy! i want to get these scenes done quickly just because there's so much dialogue from the shows which btw i don't have memorized so i have to literally look up what they're saying. anyways, our girl dahlia is kind of eccentric.

she doesn't really understand social cues and that will be come more apparent in later chapters, but please don't make fun of her ! she tries her best and that's all that counts.

i also think i'm gonna do more of her backstory in multiple chapters rather than piling it all into one :)

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