x. new school?

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dahlia certainly wasn't a morning person. and she certainly wasn't very happy with whoever was knocking on her door this early in the morning.

"god fucking dammit," she muttered under her breath before calling out, "one moment!"

she didn't think to glance at her reflection and make sure she looked presentable before flinging open the door and glaring at whoever was outside it.

"good morning, flower." harry hook grinned at her.

"absolutely not." she went to slam door shut but a firm hand caught it.

"not so fast! we all noticed you weren't at breakfast, i was getting worried."

"i was sleeping, harry." she sat back down on her bed and ran a hand over her face.

"yes, well now i see that," he chuckled as his eyes ran over her disheveled appearance.

dahlia preferred to sleep in a long old t-shirt and spandex, clearly not a fitting outfit for when you have someone in your room.

"harry," she whined, "go away and let me change. i'll come down in a few minutes."

"cant i stay here while you get ready?" he pouted at her and came to stand in between her legs.

"no!" she pushed him out the door, "i'll be down in the cafe soon."

"fine!" he poked his tongue out at her before she could close the door.

good lord.


dahlia jogged down the steps and towards the cafe where most students were eating breakfast. it was the weekend before school started back up and dahlia wasn't really looking forward to it.

choosing a simple outfit for the day, she had tugged on a pair of jean shorts with some flowers on them and a ribbed baby pink crop top. and of course, her white converse. her hair was done up as usual, in a braid. but she has decided to stick a few flowers in it before she left to give it some personality.

"heys guys," she grinned at her group of friends as she approached the table.

"good morning dahlia," evie patted the seat next to her.

uma smiled at her, "sorry about harry, i tried to stop him but he seemed undeterred."

dahlia rolled her eyes good-naturedly, "it's fine. he's easy to handle."

the table stifled their giggles as the hooked-pirate cast her a playful glare.

"you don't know what yer in for, flower."

dahlia ignored him and smiled at sam, who was sat across from her, "do you wanna help me bake today? i have a lot of things on my list."

"of course, goldie."

unnoticed by the two of them, but not by the rest of the table, harry glared adamantly at the brown haired boy.

"well i think a shopping trip is in order too!" dahlia grinned at her favorite pirates as she began eating a bowl of fruit.

"shopping?" gil tilted his head like a puppy, "why do we need to go shopping?"

evie butted in, "as much as i love the isle style, it won't fit in at auradon. and i really think it would help you guys to try and fit in."

dahlia nodded in agreement, "and don't even worry about buying anything yourself. the kingdom of Corona has you covered."

"uh, no we're okay. thank you guys but we don't need you paying for us." uma shook her head.

"uma, just think of it as me paying you back for helping save auradon. we would've been totally screwed if it wasn't for you!"

uma, harry, and gil looked at each other before speaking in sync, "no."

dahlia groaned before turning to harry, "don't you want to spend time with me?" she pouted as if she was actually upset, "i guess i can just ask another guy."

"no, definitely not. when are we going, lass?" he shook his head and stood up to come take the seat on dahlias other side.

dahlia knew that getting harry in, meant getting the rest of his crew to tag along.

she snickered and uma rolled her eyes at her first mate, "tomorrow, i'm busy today."

"can we tag along? i haven't been to the mall in ages!" evie intertwined her and doug's hands.

"yeah, count us in too." mal and ben smiled.

"sounds great guys," dahlia grinned at her friends.

gil looked around the table, "wait can i come?"

"gil... honey, of course." dahlia nodded with a slow smile as she tried not to upset the boy.



the sun was high in the sky now and sam and dahlia were on their way to the kitchens. dahlia had been meaning to get some baking done for a while, wanting to lift peoples spirits before the school year began.

she certainly had the time to do so, and it gave her another reason to hang out with sam.

"so how are you and your lover boy doing?" sam smirked knowingly as he opened the door to the kitchen for the girl.

"oh hush, nothing is happening and he's not my lover boy." she quickly began taking ingredients out for chocolate chip cookies.

"oh don't even, it was just a few months ago when you were gushing over him and your lipgloss."

dahlia sighed and broke an egg open, "it's nothing sammy. he's just flirting to make me mad, he doesn't actually like me. i shouldn't have feelings for someone who doesn't have feelings for me."

sam grabbed another bowl and started making cupcakes, "that's not how feelings work, goldie."

dahlia stayed silent, not really knowing what to say back.

"sometimes we fall for people we shouldn't. and maybe those feelings will lead to something, but you'll never know if you don't let yourself explore them."

"yeah, yeah, i know," she started mixing all the ingredients together, "i just don't want to get hurt."

"you won't. and if you do, i'll hurt them way more than he could ever hurt you."

dahlia laughed and smiled at the boy, "this is why you're my best friend.

"and this is why you're mine."


the pair had finished baking hours later and piled the baked goods into baskets.

"so why did we bake all this again?" sam questioned as they left the kitchen.

"i just wanted to make something nice for everyone before the end of the school year!" dahlia skipped along.

sam hummed in response and took the baskets to the front of the school, setting them down. dahlia stuck a little note in front of them saying,

for anyone and everyone,
take whatever you'd like!!!
wishing you well before the school year,

love dahlia <3

sam smiled at her, "you're too sweet."

all she did was laugh in response and start walking back towards the dorms. the sun was setting and dahlia was tired from a long day of baking.

"are you coming to the mall with us tomorrow?" she inquired.

"of course, i wouldn't pass up a day to hang out with my best friend!"

"you're silly."


dahlia and sam content because i love them and i just want to show off how cute they are they're the perfect brother-sister relationship!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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