7ᝰ in your void, it foretells

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You had a feeling something like this would happen

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You had a feeling something like this would happen. You should've expected your luck to run out after successfully evading the night guards stationed inside and outside the building, as well as finding your way to the decrepit hut in the dead of night without feeling any haunting eyes behind your back. Everything proved to be too good to be true.

Dottore's prosthesis sat in his chair, tethered in the middle of the room, unresponsive.

Nothing, no matter how many times you kicked his legs or plucked off strands of his hair, was going to rouse him up. Starved to death, frozen to death, smothered to death owing to a taped mouth and plugged nose—there were so many possibilities. You wanted none of them to be true since it would undermine the purpose of having him here in the first place.

The most you could hope for was that he was in a condition of hibernation and would awaken soon. However, soon was too long. You needed him awake for interrogation right now. This was the optimal time as all external interference was eliminated and also because you only had to return by sunrise, which meant you had all the time in the world for some interesting chit chat.

But for the time being, that would have to be deferred. So long as he was sleeping, you'd have to put this second interaction on hold. And if your judgement was incorrect and he perished, then so be it. There were several spots and areas in Snezhnaya where his body could be laid to rest.

You were willing to give him one more night until you determined his status as deceased, knowing that it was extremely risky to wait another day, but there was nothing more you could do. If his body was discovered by the other duplicates, you'd simply blame it on Pantalone—your new escape goat.

After a spell of futile efforts to reawaken him, you began to lose forbearance and realized that it was meaningless to stay any longer. Maybe it was your tenacity that prevented you from leaving, clinging to the best source you could find and refusing to let it go. Unfortunately, when such circumstances come to the fore, you have to embrace reality and abandon all optimism.

You turned your back on Dottore's clone after carefully examining his slouched form, taking just three short steps forward before coming to a standstill. Did you catch that right? Something was different, your sharp eyes spotting it naturally but integrating it late. Specifically, his foot positioning modification.

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