16ᝰ the deviant

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A calming sensation flowed through your palms as your fingertips consumed the comforting heat of the mug

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A calming sensation flowed through your palms as your fingertips consumed the comforting heat of the mug. Raising it to your lips, you blew carefully on the centre before sipping the rich hot chocolate that danced on your taste buds. The warmth traced a soothing trail down your throat, thus embracing a profound sense of contentment which was much needed after all you'd been through.

You set the cup down on the kitchen counter and leaned forward, your chin resting on your palm. Your thoughts kept wandering back to an hour ago, when you last saw Dottore. He entered the building at the same time you came down the flight of stairs, but what you didn't expect was for him to completely ignore you. His demeanour was blank and his eyes were locked ahead as he passed you on his way down to the basement.

Ideally, he was just enthused about his next experiment, but you knew that wasn't the case. It was either because of his conversation with Pantalone or because he was embarrassed by yesterday's intimate event.

Still, it bothered you.

With one last sip, you decided it was time to pay him a little visit and made your way down to his laboratory.

If you were to wish for one enhancement, it'd have to be night vision—especially given how tough it was to navigate the barely lit corridors. The obscurity made you wonder if your skills had become less efficient or if Dottore's changes had an unforeseen consequence. Either way, a brighter light source would be preferable.

The search seemed like forever, but the faint blue glimmer eventually led you to his laboratory. As you approached the door, your ears picked up a sound from the other side—the distinct sound of a ballpoint pen dancing in rhythmic strokes on paper. Dottore was without a doubt inside.

You inhaled deeply and poised your fist to knock, but a different illumination caught your eye just a few doors away—a vibrant crimson glow marking his room. Your impulse to investigate arose, but the risk weighed heavily on your thoughts.

The chance was immediately snatched from your hands as your attention was drawn back to the door. A definite sound signalled someone approaching from the other side. The door clicked and slipped open, presenting one of The Doctor's segments—a younger version with shorter, wavy hair and the aura of a self-entitled royal.

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