Chapter Fourteen

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Sekhmet couldn't stop the amusement that spurred from watching Hathor in the outdoors. The goddess had come a long way, but she was simply not made for a rigorous lifestyle... at all. Her muttering was endless as she swatted mosquitos that inhabited the wetlands they currently sludged through.

Hathor grunted as she pulled at her soaked dress that was currently acting as an anchor. Stumbling, the once lovely dress came free and was tied above her knees as punishment.

This wasn't enjoyable to Sekhmet either, but she chose to focus on topics that would distract her mind from their current situation. How the trees twisted into different veins and plunged into the water or how Horus looked as she trudged behind him. She should focus on the plants.

"Must you always have a smile on your face?" Hathor questioned as she tripped beside her sister. Set deserved to suffer for this reason alone.

Sekhmet bumped her body against her sister. "Must you always complain like a child?"

Hathor made a mocking, twisted face toward her sister. "Sekhmet?"


Sekhmet was suddenly falling into the murky waters at her sister's hand. Before her head submerged, a quick hand clamped to the slender arm of Hathor, pulling the unassuming goddess down as well.

The sisters sat in the water, one shaking in uncontrollable laughter and the other slumped with a pout. That facade didn't last long; however, as Hathor's laughter quickly joined. Sekhmet plucked a golden flask out of Hathor's tight grip as they stood up.

"What is this?" With a sniff of the sour liquor, the container splashed a distance away, lost in the dark waters. "We don't need you becoming more inebriated than you already seem. Do we?"

Hathor gave a mocking laugh but her features furrowed. Suddenly alarmed, she spoke quickly. "I feel something on my back. Look. Now. Please."

Sekhmet shook her head in amusement but looked as her sister turned around. Her back was completely bare as a result of her taste in clothing. Or lack of. "It's just a few leeches," she laughed.

"Leeches?" Hathor screeched. All the wildlife seemed to quiet at the noise. "Those vile bloodsuckers! Get them off," she repeated as her hands waved in the air.

With delicacy, Sekhmet rubbed the black nuisances off to toss them into the water. "Maybe if you wore a little more clothing than this napkin," Hathor pushed away Sekhmet's prodding fingers, "this wouldn't be a problem."

"How you are my sister, I don't know."

Sekhmet continued walking, pushing aside the grasses that grew from the water. "You might want to check your butt."

Horus embraced the laughter that flowed from hearing Hathor's shrieks and curses.

"You," Horus coughed, hoping it would give him time to find some courage, "you look good."

Sekhmet let out a short laugh. "Oh, thank you, I really try and am so glad you noticed." With a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head, she walked past the gaping god.

He rushed back to her side despite the hindrance of the water that reached their knees. "You know that's not what I meant... I mean," he sighed. "Look. I'm sorry, Sekhmet." His sincere gaze remained on the unfazed goddess before him.

With a long breath, she relaxed. "You say that," she continued before he could interrupt, "and I believe you mean it, but do you even know what you're apologizing for?"

Horus was confused. "Of course," he stated as if it was obvious.

Sekhmet quirked an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. He didn't realize he would have to describe what he was apologizing for. A god shouldn't even have to apologize. Horus swept that thought aside.

He spoke slowly... carefully. "I am apologizing for the way I treated you."


"And... treating you badly?" He knew this attempt was completely falling apart and his motivation only shattered further when she let out a disbelieving gasp.

How does one, knowing they are completely guilty and undeserving of forgiveness, ask the person, the one whom they abandoned and hurt, for such? His head pounded. Apologizing was not a skill future kings were taught.

Sekhmet waited a moment, collecting her thoughts and sorting through her feelings, before responding. With a soft voice, she said, "Try again."

"I don't think I'll ever realize how much I hurt you." He held his hands out. "Just stick with me... please. I'll never fully understand because I haven't experienced it myself. I lost my parents but they didn't choose to leave me. I chose to leave you," he whispered.

"But with everything I put you through, you didn't leave me. Maybe physically- rightly so," he added quickly, "but you never stopped loving me, least I hope so." They continued walking through the marshes. Sekhmet couldn't tear her eyes from the god who looked to his feet. Horus shook his head. "And I don't deserve your forgiveness or love," his heart wrenched, "but you deserve to know that I regret it all. I'm sorry."

His eye finally flicked to meet hers. She detested the despair he exuded.

"Horus? I do love you," she stated slowly. Sekhmet reached for his dangling hands. "And I forgive you. I did a bit ago." 

She laid his limp hands on her waist and wrapped her own around him. Carefully, she rested her head on his leather-clad chest and waited. The goddess was about to pull away disappointed, when his strong arms locked them together.

Horus held his love in amazement. As he nestled his face in her hair, he swore to himself to never let this gift of light go again. For she is exactly that. A gift, given with no mind toward the worthiness of who receives it. Sadly, a gift could also be taken away.

Sekhmet slowly pulled away and continued walking. "I still loved you when you pushed me away. I just didn't like you... didn't like the person you became."

"And now?" Horus did not hide the anticipation buzzing within.

"Now... I think you need to do what you believe is right. Embrace the journey Ra foretold. We both have something we need to conquer before anything." Horus remained still before nodding in understanding. 

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