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“That'll be two-thousand three-hundred won, Sir,” Jin replied.

Sunghoon, his regular customer, paid the exact amount of his bill, thanked Jin then left.

Sunghoon become his regular a month ago. He was always buying random breads from Jin's bakery every lunch break and evening before Jin closes his bakery.

Jin was very busy in the bakery. There are always lots of customers every morning and afternoon and then just a few customers coming in the evening. His breads were surely delicious 'cause every time he will close his bakery, there were only a few breads left or sometimes none.

Jinnie's Bakery was a fifty-year-old bakery. It was Jin's grandmother's bakery that was once named Sweet Home Bakery. When his grandmother died before he was even born, his mother took care of the bakery and the recipes of their special breads. Sweet Home Bakery, where Hee-Jin meets Jin's father.

Seokmin, Jin's father is a regular customer of their bakery before. He offered Hee-Jin to help in her bakery since she was the only person running it. They got close to each other and then become lovers. Three years of their relationship, Hee-Jin got pregnant and eventually got married after having Seokjin as their baby and replacing the former name of the bakery with Jinne's Bakery.

When Jin was about five, his mother and father teaches him how to make breads. There Jin developed an interest in baking. Seokjin loves the bakery so much. Before he would go to school, he first would come to the bakery to help his mother out. After school, he would do his homework at the bakery and then help his mother right after.

When Jin's father died, the bakery closed for the meantime as they were lacking the budget to make new loaves of bread again. Jin got very sad because of his father's death and the bakery's closing. After a year, the bakery re-opened. Jin was the happiest human being at that time. They started making and selling breads again.

The bakery helped him to finish his study that's why he loves and treasure this bakery the most.

But making and selling breads are exhausting especially when he was the only one doing them when his mother found her another love. Well, not totally all the works are on his back. His mother would help him out whenever she has spare time for him.

His mother offered him to get someone to help him but as hard-headed as he is, he refused.

It was almost ten in the evening and Jin decides to close the bakery since no one else are coming. He replace the open sign with a close sign and went to the counter to collect the money he earned. When he's done, he put them in his mini-office in the bakery. He got out of his office to count the leftover breads.

The sound of the door opening alarmed Jin but he didn't bother himself looking for the person, instead, he said, “Sorry we're closed.”

“I-Is that so? I am sorry, Mr.,” a sweet and calm voice of a young man spoke.

Jin looked at him, “It's all right, but do you need something?” he questioned.

“I-I was just hoping if y-you could spare me some of your leftover breads. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.  I was lost,” he explained. The boy scratched the back of his head, feeling ashamed but he was hungry- no, he was starving.

Jin's heart melts hearing him. He immediately grabs some bread and gives them to the boy. “Wait here, I'll get you a chair and water,”

“No, no need. I-it's fine. Thank you so much,” he smiled.

“It's not okay for me, young man. You wait here and I'll get you a chair and water.” Jin said and left to get water and a chair. Not so long after, Jin came back with two chairs and a bottle of water.

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