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“Hello good morning, welcome to Jinnie's Bakery,” Jin happily greeted, a warm and genuine smile on his face.

“Good morning to you, too, Jin. May I now get the cake I ordered last time? I would like to surprise my son since it was his birthday today,” she greeted back with a smile.

“Oh yes, of course, auntie. Let me get it real quick,” said Jin, leaving his customer to get her order. He came back with a box of cake in his hand. He put it on the counter and get some pieces of his sweet bread to give to the auntie's son.

“Here,” he handed them to her. “Please, take them as a gift for your son, aunt. And tell him I say happy birthday,” he giggled.

“I can't just accept this. Please tell me how much all of these are?” she gently pushed the box away from her and took her wallet out to pay for the cake and others.

“It's okay, aunt. Consider that as a gift from me, okay?” Seokjin gently pushed the cake back to her and blocked her hand to stop her from getting any money.

“O-okay, then. Thank you, son,” she smiled, giving up on Jin.

“You're welcome, aunt. Bye and tell your son 'happy birthday!” Jin waved his hand and the woman waved back before she closes the door.

“Welcome to Jinnie's Bakery,” Jin smiled as another customer enters his shop as soon as the woman left. However, his smile slowly turn into a frown when he saw the person who entered.

“Taehyung- I mean sir, what are you doing here?” he asked, feeling the cold gaze of the younger.

“Why? Can't I go here? And please talk to me casually and drop the 'sir'. We're going to be brothers anyway,” he said, walking towards the counter.

Seokjin scratched the back of his head. “Right. Umm... About what happened that night, I didn't mean it. I lost control of myself and drank too much alcohol even though my friend already warned me, ” his face reddened in embarrassment.

“It's fine. If we're not going to be brothers, it's not fine,” Tae coldly responds.

He's colder than I thought. Jungkook is somehow a bubbly person, but, he was colder than ice.

“Uhmm...” was the only word that came out of Jin's mouth. It was awkward for both of them.

“I am also sorry for colliding with you the first time we met. I was just in hurry for a meeting.”

Wow, I didn't expect a person like him to say sorry to me.

“It's okay, Tae,” Jin smiled.

“I wanna order anything you like,” Taehyung said, changing the topic.

“A-anything I like?” Seokjin pointed to himself.

“Yeah, you heard me, didn't you?”

Of course, I heard you! You don't have to be so cold like that. Aish, this brat.

“But I'm still full, I just ate my lunch,” Jin scratched the back of his head.

“Still, I don't care. Just give me whatever you like,” Tae replied with another coldness.

Jin sighed because of the younger's stubbornness and get the bread he likes.

“Is that all?” asked Taehyung, looking at the cookies, then back at Seokjin.


“Fine, then. Give me a slice of each cake you sell here and those cookies,” he ordered Jin.

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