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Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook were sitting on a long twelve-seater table together with their parents as they were having a dinner tonight. The soon-to-be married couple were sitting next to each other, casually eating their dinner, while Jin, on the other hand, was feeling awkward sitting opposite to Taehyung and next to Jungkook.

"What's with this cold atmosphere here, huh? I thought you three are getting good together now?" asked Jaebong, noticing that only the clacking sounds of utensils hitting each other can be heard in the whole dinning area. "Ah, Jin." he spoke one again and wipes his mouth with the table napkin. "Are my sons taking care of you? I told them to always visit you at your bakery so you won't feel lonely. Are they helping you out?"

Jin didn't quite hear what Jae had said as he was spacing out. What happened last night was still in his mind and he couldn't erase it.

"Jin!" his mother Heejin called out to him but he still didn't hear her.

Jungkook snapped his finger in front of Jin's face. "Hyung, father is asking you."

"Ah, yes?" he said, not sure if he answered the question right, 'cause once again, he didn't hear them. He glance at Tae who's staring at him but rolled his eyes as soon as their eyes met.

Jin doesn't know how he would face the younger: but he knew to himself that he didn't do anything bad to make the younger mad.

"That's good to hear, son. But you're spacing out: are you okay?" Jaebong asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, sir. Just a bit tired." he forced a smile.

"Please, just call me father. It hurts that you still call me 'sir'. Your mother and I are getting married in less than a month. So, I want you to feel comfortable around me and my sons. And you boys," he tilted his head to the right to look at his older son Taehyung and then to the left to look at his younger son Jungkook. "You must take care of your brother. Don't do anything that might make him uncomfortable. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Dad," said the males making their father smile.

"May I excuse myself? There's still something I have to do." Tae said, standing from the chair where he sits.

"Since now you're leaving. Tae, why don't you send your Jin hyung home? He's tired he needs to r-"

"No!" all of them in the dinning area looked over to Jin, surprised by his sudden scream. Jin cleared his throat and looked down on his plate, feeling awkward. "I-I mean, n-no need, really."

"It's alright, hyung. You're looking really tired, it's very unnecessary for you to grab a taxi to take you home when Taehyung hyung can send you home. Right, father?" he said and hold Jin's hand, giving it a squeeze while looking at Taehyung as he wears his mischievous smirk.

"Yes, exactly."

"But— okay," though he was still having a fight with himself, he agreed anyway. Plus, he doesn't want to pay for taxi fair nor to wait for a bus at this time because it can also be dangerous.

In a blink of Jin's eyes, he was inside the younger's car, driving him home. The car is enveloping by the deafening silence as none of them dares to speak.

"I can hear my breathing. What should I do? Should I talk? But what if he'd get mad? Should I explain to him what really happened last night? What if he won't believe me?" Jin squeezed his thighs as the constant thought coming in his mind.

"Uhmm..." Jin started. Tae glanced at him. "What happened last night... It's not what you think it is..." but he didn't receive any response from the younger.

Seokjin looked down. It's been a few minutes since he talked but Tae seemed to not care on what Jin is about to say. The older bites his lower lip and squeezed his thighs once again.

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