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“Welcome to Jinnie's Bakery,” said Jin as soon as he felt someone opening the bakery's store.

“Jawn!” the person exclaimed, running toward Jin, hugging him.

“H-hoseok? It's really you!” said Jin, hugging him back. “Why didn't you tell me you're going back to Korea? I should've prepared something for you! How have you and Yoongi been?”

Hoseok and Jin are high-school best friend and knows each other's secret of being gay. A month ago, Hoseok and Yoongi decided to went to the United States to get married since same-sex marriage in Korea is banned. He and Yoongi have been in a relationship since they were in college and have been through a lot of judgments from others but they didn't give a shit to them and continued loving each other, and that was what Jin envied for 'cause he hasn't been in a relationship with someone. It's just the right time for the right person for him hasn't come yet.

“We're fine. We're doing well. You know what, we've been thinking of adopting someone to be our lovely child since we couldn't have our own, but we're thinking if the government would agree with that since we're both guys.” he sighed as he rest his chin on the counter.

Jin opened his mouth to reply to Hoseok but a customer came in so, instead, he say; “Welcome to Jinnie's Bakery, Sir.” he smiled.

Hoseok moved aside from the counter to give way to the customer. “I'll have that cake, what do you call that?” he asked.

“Oh, Mr. Jeon, it's you,” Jin greeted. “That's coffee cake, sir.”

Jungkook looked into Jin's eyes as he admired its sparkle. “Right. How about that cake?” he said, pointing to a color yellow cake.

“That's cheesecake, sir, our best seller.” he smiled and glace at Hoseok who just nods his head, signaling him to continue his work.

Jungkook noticed their action and glanced at the red-haired man and give him a glare that give chills down Hoseok's spine so he took his phone out to avoid Jungkook's glare.

“Alright. A slice of each one, please,” he said, taking his card out.

Jin prepared Jungkook's order, putting them in each box. “Since you're paying with a card, would you like a receipt, sir?”

Jungkook took the plastic of the two boxes of cake and say; “No, it's fine.”

“Alright, sir. Thank you and please come again. Have a nice day!” Jin said, waving his hand at Jungkook who's already walking away from the bakery.

Hoseok breathed out as if he escaped some preditors who want to devour him. He walked to the counter, in front of Jin and sighed. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” Jin looked at him, confused.

“He glared at me! Did you notice how intense his look was? It was as if he hates me for being here. Aish, he must've thought I was your boyfriend.” Hoseok once again breathed out and pressed his palm to his chest.

“What nonsense are you saying? He's the son of the owner of the company near here. Sunghoon introduce him to me about four days ago,” Jin explained as he starts arranging stuff on the counter.

“Well, who knows maybe when he sees you that day, he fell in love with you. Oh yeah, well, speaking of love; do you have a lover? What does he look like? Does he look like the man of your dreams who is tall and handsome?”

Jin glanced at him, sighing and shaking his head. “So you mean you're still single?! How come? Are you still not going on a blind date? You know, Jawn, you should start seeing someone.”

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