13 I Am An Alien

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13 I Am An Alien

Arriving back at the house by half five that afternoon, Lori wasted no time asking me absolutely everything that happened as it was on the internet that there was a local hero in Salisbury who had stopped a mugger. "Did you see it?" She asked us as we went into the living room. "The claims from some of the people there sounded like some strange superhero, bounding into the air and sucker punching the thief. But there's no footage of it."

"I'm sure there would be footage of the incident," I piped up for Rachel and Ryan to hear, "but I doubt they would see anything out of the ordinary. People tend to exaggerate."

Rachel shot me a look and, turning her attention to her phone, started tapping away. Ryan appeared a little perplexed but didn't say anything. I excused myself at that moment and headed upstairs. Before I headed into Ryan's room, where my bag was, I met Dillon at the top of the stairs.

"Hey," he said.

"Hello," I replied. "Have you had a good day?"

The child moved his shoulders. "Suppose." Then without another word, headed down the stairs. Without thinking anything more of it, I entered Ryan's room and instantly, I was angry. Someone had tampered with my bag. It was not in the same position when I left it and using my scanner, it appeared that Dillon's fingerprints were on the zip and the outer part of the bag. He couldn't get in, of course, I had made sure of it. But the fact that he had attempted it was... well, it made me angry. I was prepared for this. Humans, most of them, cannot be trusted and I did not know this child very well. Perhaps he wanted to better understand me by looking through my things. Although if he managed to, I doubt he would grasp anything that was in there. But if he had got hold of one of my tablets, it would probably mean excruciating pain or death to any human who ingested it.

Taking note, my stomach was actually settled, which was a blessing but I wanted to get the smell of pollution off me so I headed for a shower. After exiting and drying myself off, both Rachel and Ryan were sitting on Ryan's bed. The door was closed though I hadn't heard them come in or close the door. The running water seemed too damned my hearing.

Keeping the towel firmly wrapped around my waist, I stayed some distance from them. Unsure of what to say, I asked, "Are you two alright?"

"There's nothing on the internet," Rachel began, and Ryan groaned.

"Please, Rach, don't do this. Just drop it."

"No. There is nothing on the internet about you jumping into the air. God, this is driving me crazy!"

"Why?" I asked, feeling a smile creep on my face.

She stood. "Because I hate being lied to, and I hate not knowing anything. Are you a spy?"

"A spy?" I queried.

"Yes." She glanced down at my bag. "There's something wrong with your bag as well."

"Rachel, please don't. This is mean, and Dillion's a little prick. Quinta, I'm so sorry-" Ryan began, closing his eyes in embarrassment.

Rach flipped her hair angrily. I was unsure why humans did this. Maybe it was a primitive human sign of anger. "So? There's something wrong with his bag! Dillon came in because it started to hum." She explained and, bending down, grabbed it and threw it at me. I caught it. "What is humming in there?"

That hum would be a message from up there. And the fact that they are contacting me sounded off-putting. "I cannot explain everything to you about who I am," I said as I sat on the end of my bed and carefully concealed my scanner used it to open my bag. Without taking the U'sid, or communicator, out of the bag, I saw I had missed three calls. Waving my wrist over it, instantly, the messages were relayed in my head.

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