Smoothies and a Sleepover

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(Chapter of Yuna and Soyeon only)


"YASSSSSSS FINALLY!" Yuna said excited.

"Yup! Yummy smoothies." I said while taking a sip.

"I love smooooothiiiiieeeess yuuuuhhhhh!" Yuna sang.

"You funny girl. Let's go to the park. Oh and also, do you have plans tonight?" I asked.

"No. Why?" She said.

"Maybeeeeeeeee we can have a sleepover?" I said with a huge smile.

"GURL- I would love to! Lemme just ask my mum." She said while grabbing her phone.

"Hi mum! Sooo I was gonna ask you mom... Can I sleep over at Soyeon's house?" She asked. I had hope she would say yes. She has had a sleepover before. Our parents are close friends so she probably would say yes. "Really eomma? Oh okay! I'll tell her and I'll go grab my clothes later. Okay bye!" As she hung up she came to me with a big smile. "SHE SAID YES!" Yuna said. "Yay!!! Okay now let's go to the park." I said smiling.

---time skip to sleepover---

"OKAY NOW... THE FOOD!" I said.

"Wait but first pajamas!" Yuna said.

"Ughhhh fine." I rolled my eyes and we went to change.

---time skip---

"This is so funny." I said crying laughing while watching the movie.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FUNNY? SHE'S DYING!" Yuna said in sobs.

"BAHAHA I know but look at her ugly face-" I said laughing.

"You have no feelings!" She said while sobbing.

"Whatever. Hold on what time is it..." I checked my phone and Oh. "Girl It's 1 A.M." I said with widened eyes.

"Let's just finish this movie." She said.

----time skip----

"Good night Yuna-ssi."

"Good night Soyeon-ah."

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