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Love me, hate me,

Say what you want about me

It was fair to say Charlotte Smith was dreading school. Not only because she had the worst hangover known to man, but also because she absolutely did not want to see Jasper Hale.

Unfortunately for Charlotte, she remembered every single thing that happened the night before and that included spilling her guts to Jasper.

Charlotte had never been a blabber mouth of a drinker, she'd been a gossiper of a drinker, sure. However, spilling someone else's secrets was far less embarrassing than her own.

This is why Charlotte had been dreaming of the Titanic all night. This is how it went in her dream: she was the titanic, just having a calming sail through life, and then boom, the iceberg took it down.

The iceberg being Jasper in this situation, obviously.

"Hello, Charl?" Angela waved a hand in front of the girls face, she'd been stood staring into space for the past five minutes.

Even though she was now snapped out of her thoughts she didn't speak, she just followed the hand with her eyes.

"Are you day dreaming about George?" Jess was yet to know about anything that happened last night- in fact all of the group had no idea.

"George? Why would I be dreaming about George?"

"Well because of last night?" Immediately Jess thought Charlotte was so drunk last night that she couldn't remember what happened, "Charlotte, you slept with him."

For a few seconds Charlotte fell back into her trance, until her anger snapped her out of it, "What the fuck? No I didn't."

Angela and Jessica shared a long glance, "But he said you did."

For a second, Charlotte felt like ramming her fist into Jessica's face, even if it wasn't her fault. "Obviously he's lying. Ew, I would never sleep with him. He's so gross."

There was no doubt in the two girls mind that Charlotte was telling the truth, about one thing that was, "George is not gross." Angela defended the boy who wasn't worth defending.

"He's literally called George. You cannot tell me that someone who's name means 'farmer' is not gross." To make it clear, Charlotte had nothing against farmers. It was just a personal vendetta against Georges.

"And what does the name Jasper mean?" Now Charlotte considered smashing Jess's skull into the car next to her. She wouldn't do it, but she loved the image.

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