Volume 2, Chapter 1

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A single figure stands impassive, highlighted by a stream of light through a round stained-glass window that casts a violet butterfly at the heart of the room. On his chest sit two brooches, shimmering eerily in the light. Mauve shades dance around his billowing cape, that sits around him like malignant wings. From behind, he is barely visible against the shady hues that intertwin around the tall pillars that reach up to the high ceiling. As the last rays of sun bleed out of the sky, he leisurely plucks a single feather out from a feathered fan. Gently, he encloses his hand around the lone white feather, and navy power courses through the air, turning it a deep, darkened blue. The feather floats, now free from the confines of his hand as it drifts of its own accord to a ring on his finger. Not a wedding ring, but silver and sleek. As the feather infuses itself into the ring, it glows with a faint power, turning the ring transparent. In that fraction of a second, the feather joins its twin, already residing within the ring, before it becomes opaque once again.

The figure stretched out a hand, as a blue form coalesces in front of him, shaping and moulding it from afar with flourishes of refined, practised movements, as though this were an art he was already long since practised with. The form gathers closer, tighter into the form of a purple hat, with but a single feather. The man smiles sly, as he places the hat upon his head, and as he does so his eyes flash blue with power.

There is nought but the subtlest change in his demeanour. Most would scarcely even consider it worth mentioning, unless they were to look inside his head, where the speed of his thoughts has multiplied a thousand-fold, his cunning now far magnified by the power of the Sentimonster atop his head. His intelligence sharpened far beyond that of a normal man, he stands unmoving a while.

He is interrupted from his thoughts for a short moment, as he senses the distress of a girl far away, scorned by a loved one. A lone butterfly flits to his hand, where it turns purple with the tiniest novel hint of blue and quietly makes its way out of the window, seeking out one Kagami Tsurugi. As it fuses with an earring, and Desolater is born, his suspicions are pleasantly confirmed as he feels the girl's emotions, and with but a thought can mould them like putty. Simple arithmetic really, when one combines the powers of Emotion and Transmission. This is something new, but the icing upon a cake. He has more work to do. More new powers to explore.

He returns to his meditation a while, drawing up plans and schemes he would never have thought of before. In the midst of his planning, Desolater is defeated. No matter really. She was never more than a test subject for a new idea. Hawkmoth would've bemoaned the loss of such a powerful villain, but now this man would not. A game of chess is nothing without a few pawns sacrificed for the greater goal. He leisurely strolls forward to begin his work, drawing nearer the only sound in the room.

As he comes closer to the faint fluttering of butterflies, the figure extends his cane, the orb atop now open. In a flash, the cane darts towards a stray butterfly, the orb onto top slamming shut around it. The man brings the orb close, tapping soothingly against the glass, till the white butterfly ceases struggling.

"The miraculous are only restricted by the limits one imposes on oneself." He murmurs.

He gathers violet energy in his hands, gently imbuing it into the imprisoned butterfly, turning it a darkened purple. He continues, drawing more and more power into the lone butterfly, which writhes under the strain, fliting desperately against the confines of the glass orb in which it is held.

He continues still, drawing more power into the creature, until its wings fry. It cries out pitifully and it collapses into itself, turning into a small shimmering ball of concentrated malignant energy.

Shadow Moth takes the ball out into his hand, and smiles.

Now this, this is something revolutionary.

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