Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry this took forever, I had to figure out where things would go after the last chapter...

I have an awesome idea now!!

Christopher on the side >

PS: Please don't get mad when I don't upload, contrary to popular belief I do have a life and I have to go to school. There's not much I can do about that. Anyway, enjoy!



My bed rest was officially over!

            The first thing I did was jump around the room like a crazy person, making Ellen and Edith laugh. They were Christopher’s sisters and I’d grown really close to them since he went MIA. I hadn’t even caught a glimpse of his golden hair since we had that falling out a week ago. 

            Oh well. His loss.

            “I’M OUT, I’M OUT, I’M OUUUT!” I chanted as I twirled around excitedly. “THAT MEERKAT SLAPPING DOCTOR CAN’T KEEP ME IN BED ANYMORE!”

            “Calm down Emi,” Edith said serenely. “You’re going to wake up the babies.”

            Ellen’s eyes darkened. “If you wake up Katie and Liam I’ll kill you.”

            If it was possible, Christopher’s oldest sister had the worst newborns in the world. They were never not crying or making a fuss when they were awake, so Ellen made sure that they were asleep pretty much all of the time.

            I felt sorry for her.

            Especially since her mate, Simon, was the captain of the royal guard. He was always away on missions and he’d been gone since the twins were a week old. I could tell that Ellen was getting worried- he was meant to be back last week- but her fierce personality was trying to hide it.

            Now that I think about it, weren’t the PURE agents in the forest talking about a guy called Simon?

            It must have only been a coincidence. Why would they be after the captain of the royal guard? There were much bigger targets living here.

            “Have you felt any thirst yet, Emi?” Edith asked me gently. She was constantly really calm and collected- the complete opposite of her twin. Her partner (they weren’t married yet) was the exact same as her in personality. I’d only met him once, though, so I could be wrong.

            “Not really,” was my fleeting reply. Before they could say anything else I was sprinting down the hallway, testing out my new vampire speed. An excited yell escaped my lips- I’d never felt so free! The rush over adrenaline made me go faster than I thought was possible!

            I managed to knock into a few servants as I went, making them yelp and keep to the walls. A few even went as far as to give me dirty looks.

            Wasn’t I a princess? I thought they weren’t allowed to disrespect me!

            Wow, now I sounded like Christopher.

            It wasn’t long until I came to a skidded stop in front of the entrance to the castle. Thoughts of my mate flew out of my head when I saw the small crack in between the doors. I could escape- go and look around the town near the palace and socialize. I could even go and get laid!

They Were Expecting A Lady, Instead They Met Me (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now