Chapter One

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‘Christopher, what’s that?’ I asked as we walked along the dirt road. It had taken us exactly eight hours by plane to arrive in Florida and now we were walking to a secluded dock on some private beach. Chris said that there would be a boat there that would take us to wherever we were going, but I wasn’t too sure. My feet hurt already. In front of us was some sort of creature. It was small and scaly; with two wings jutting out of it’s back. Tayla squealed and made to run to it, but Christopher caught her first.

‘Nuh uh,’ he scolded. ‘That’s a dragon, sweetheart. You can’t play with those.’

‘A dragon?’ I gasped. ‘Wow!’

I made my way towards it but he caught me with his other arm.

‘No, Milee. They’re dangerous.’

‘No they’re not! Look how cute and small it is!’ I tried to break free from his hold but his arm was like steel. The dragon grunted loudly and stood up on its feet. It rolled its head around before letting out a little yawn.

‘They are and I’m not letting you get hurt. Now, stop struggling!’ he cried. I stopped and cocked my head to the side. The dragon was doing something weird. It was shaking around and bulging out of its skin.

‘What the-’

‘Emilee,’ Christopher said slowly.  ‘I’m going to back away slowly and I want you to follow me. We’ve angered it.’

‘Angered what?’

‘The dragon.’

We continued to whisper shout at each other as we walked backwards. By the time the dragon’s bulging ceased it was ten times the size, towering over Christopher and I. I squeaked softly at the sight of it.

‘Why and how did it do that?’

‘Dragons are shape-shifters,’ he explained. ‘A way they catch their pray is by becoming really small and innocent, an easy target. And when their pray get’s close enough, they shift to their true form. It also happens when they’re scared or angry.’

‘So… it’s angry?’

‘Yeah, something like that.’


He tugged me closer and set Tayla on his shoulders. ‘It’s not your fault. They have a short fuse.’

There was a pause.

‘Did you just try to make a joke?’


‘Well, it failed.’ He glared at me. ‘Gosh, soooorry. The dragon isn’t the only one with a short fuse…’

‘Take Tayla from me,’ Christopher said, ignoring my blabbering. ‘I’m going to have to fight it.’

‘You?’ I laughed. ‘Fight it? You?

‘Yes me. Who else is going to? You?’


He rolled his eyes at me and handed me LaLa. I frowned as he loosed up his shoulders and faced the dragon, a determined look on his face. Suddenly I feared for his life.

I mean, he was like an itty-bitty ant to the dragon’s freaking foot. Or is it paw? Foot? Paw?


They Were Expecting A Lady, Instead They Met Me (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now