Getting Ready

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Hi I honestly know nothing about Enstars, just the names of some characters and shit. Expect mistakes and weird humor. My friend chose the main character and secondaries. He knows wayyy more about Enstars than me.


Oh God... I can't believe summer is already over... School is starting soon in about an hour and I haven't even gotten out of bed!!
Shit!! Mom's is calling for me!
"Anzu my dear, please come eat your breakfast." My mom's voice echoed from downstairs. I really should get up now even though I don't want to...
Ugh... My back is so stiff... So broken and brittle...


"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!" I screamed as my back ached as I sat up from my bed.
"ANZU!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" Well damn. I slowly walked to my door and looked in the mirror. My hair is so crunchy looking... I grabbed a piece of my long brown crunchy hair and held it up to my nose.
*Sniff* *Sniff*
mmm smells like Cheetos. My ugly pink polka dot pajamas look crusty.. I opened the door and walked downstairs and into the small, tight kitchen. Mom was at the stove, flipping some pancakes for me and my dad. "Good morning, Anzu." My dad is wearing his light blue shirt with some blue jeans. His bald ass head is more shiny than usual. His baldness shines differently depending on his mood. When he's calm and relaxed, his shine is like how it is right now. When he's pissed off though... It's a black hole on top his head... "Anzu, how many pancakes do you want?" Hmm. "(Your desired choice of pancakes)" my mom smiled. "Oh are you sure you can eat all that? I don't mind giving some to Subaru." What. SUBARU??!?! "NO!!! Wait SUBARU IS WALKING TO SCHOOL WITH ME???!?!" Dad glanced over at me. "Yes. He will be walking with you everyday to school." This can't be happening. If you know nothing about Subaru, well, first of all he's annoying and way too cheerful. Second, he was the creepiest guy back in middle school! One time, I saw him peeking into Kuro's locker and once Kuro looked away, he licked the picture of Kuro's mom that Kuro has hanging on his locker door! There's more incidents but more on those later. "Be nice to Subaru. You know that his grandma passed away a week ago." Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Apparently his grandma dying clears all the disgusting behaviors he's had for years. "Poor old Meiko... May she rest in peace..." My dad frowned and so did my mom. "Well, she's gone now and left her only grandson here with us. You should be lucky to have a good friend like him."
No, I'm lucky that everyone knows I'm not as insane as him.
I sat down at the table and ate my pancakes. I glanced at the window. A saw some tall peaks of ginger hair sticking out behind the backyard fence.
Oh God.
The ginger hair began to move speedily towards the window. I anxiously began eating my pancakes quicker, paying no attention to the window.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

We all stared outside the window and saw Subaru standing outside with his face smashed onto the window along with his hands in a pushing motion.
"Oh it's Subaru! Hurry let's get you going!" My mom grabbed my arms and led me to the front door. Dad got up and guided Subaru to the front door.

I Don't Know Anything About Enstars Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя