Strawberry Lemonade

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Sorry y'all I had to add the bop I was listening to while making this.

Hmm. I wonder what I should write about. I've had millions of embarrassing moments, most of them being with Leo.
Me and him aren't friends anymore after something that happened to him and we separated. I don't miss him though.
Well, I guess I'll write about the time I "__insert_embrarrassing_moment__"
I got out a pencil and got to writing.
This is so fucking embarrassing. I hope Subaru doesn't see it. I'm sure he's done more embarrassing things but still.

15 minutes pass by and Mr. Jushi comes to collect papers.

"Thank you all for writing these..." He took a sniff at the stack of papers.
"Delicious..." We all looked Mr. Jushi is disturbance. What the hell is this dude doing?!!! He's in public!!
"Oh sorry everyone. I actually have a surprise for you all. I made special liquids for you all to drink." Mr. Jushi smiled and left the room, leaving the papers on his desk.
Tori snickered. "Hehe. Wataru, do you think I can grab those papers and read them? I've always wanted to know what
Ritsu's most embarrassing moment is. That guy never fails at anything!"
Wataru frowned at Tori's words. "Now why would you want to do such a horrible thing?" Wataru's soft pale hands held Tori's. He gazed into his eyes and said, "Tori. For the love of the lgbtq+ community, don't steal those papers." Tori slapped Wataru's hand away. "I'm anti lgbtq+ and I'm gonna steal those papers!" Wataru gasped as Tori sneakily stole the papers from the teacher's desk. No one was watching except me, all the others were playing the ensemble stars music app with reviews such as

"It was fine until it made me do the tutorial and the main story please change that and let me change settings so it loads I can't change the graphics so it can load."
- YeeusDeletus

"It was a complete waste of my time."
- Darryl

What amazing reviews. Tori rushed back to his seat and hid the papers under his side of the table. I tried getting a glance of who's was on top. It appears to be Rinne's.
"Hey Tori, can I look at some of the papers too?" I scooted my chair out and looked at Tori as he grabbed three papers for me to look at.
First was Rinne's.

"The most embarrassing moment... I'd say it was the time I accidentally drank my friend's piss. So we we're at a party you know we was vibing and shit but then... Niki had to go to the bathroom. I was drunk as hell so I followed him to the bathroom. When Niki was pissing at the urinal, I begged him for more beer. I saw yellow liquid coming from him, so naturally I thought it was beer that he was stupidly dumping out. So I saved the beer. Which turned out to be Niki's piss. It was kinda salty like buttered popcorn."

Ew what the fuck. Rinne is one of the dumbest boys here...
Next was Jun. Oh boy, this guy is pretty hot. Him and Ritsu are what keep me from being lesbian. Now, let's read his embarrassing moment.

Well, it would have to be the time I didn't fully kiss Hiyori. Me and him were preforming a song and the director told us to fake kiss. All we did was make it look like we were kissing. After that video went live, everyone on Twitter freaked out! It was so embarrassing because everyone thought me and him were queerbaiting and it was all horrible!! I could never do such things. Me and Hiyori are forbidden lovers.

What? Out of all the apps to install, you chose Twitter.
That's just crazy. Him and Hiyori do have it rough though, poor guys just wanna make out on stage not for the fans but for the fact that they truly love each other.
Last one was... Subaru. Oh god. I already know he's gonna say something even more embarrassing than his most embarrassing moment.

Eh hem. I simply do not have an embarrassing moment. Each moment of my very existence is complete perfection and no little """"mistake"""" will change that. Don't ever assume imperfection from someone like me. I will sue your stupid ass Mr. Jushi. How about you go work in a cheap ass ramen shop you filthy bitch.

WHAT IN THE GOD DAMN DID HE WRITE??! He can't be this dumb!!!

The classroom door slowly opened.
I quickly threw the papers back at Tori. He quickly shoved the papers into his pocket with several of them sticking out, crumbled up into paper balls.
"I've got the strawberry lemonade!! It's nice and cool." Mr. Jushi came into with a big clear drink dispenser. The deep red liquid swished around and foamed up a little. He sat the dispenser on his desk which was big enough to hold the white styrofoam cups. "Alright everyone, come get your drink!"
We all got up and grab a cup. In a line, we all waited for our drinks. This is the first nice thing I've seen from Mr. Jushi. Maybe he's just misunderstood.
"Hey, watch were your going, shorty." Kanata bickered with Tori. "I'm 5'0! You're just tall!" Kanata chuckled. "At least the weather is nicer up here than down there." Tori grew furious. "SHUT UP!!"
"Hey hey! It's okay Mr. Himemiya."
Mr. Jushi said as he poured a cup for Hiiro. "Now come on, next in line please!"

A minute goes by...

All the students have been seated and drank their strawberry lemonade. But something feels wrong about Mr. Jushi...

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