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This request is inspired by 'Take me out' song, it's not a song fic. Just wukong and reader focusing on events in the song... Hopefully I said that right. Basically Wukong being very obvious about his feelings but Y/n doesn't notice. I feel like I did a bad job on this one sorry 💀



Y/n stared down at her drawing, it looked quite nice so far.

Usually she came out to the park to draw, she'd just sit down near a tree and draw because rarely any people come around this place, it was rather quiet. But she liked the silence, it was calming.

Y/n didn't tell anyone about this place, well, anyone besides one person. The only person she told about this place was her closest friend Wukong.

He thought that she was avoiding him because whenever he came to her apartment multiple times only to find out she wasn't there, so Y/n had to tell him about the place she regularly went to, she wanted to keep it a secret because she wanted to be alone while she drew but she didn't want Wukong to think she was avoiding him which was inaccurate.

She was really glad she told him tho, it turned out having Wukong around was more fun than being all alone by herself, Wukong wouldn't really visit her regularly since he was busy training Mk and fighting demons but he still did come to the park to see her from time to time, always teased and goofed around to make her laugh.

She did draw Wukong a few times at the back of her sketchbook, but those were a work in progress.

She still couldn't get his shape quite right, and especially his hair. She would never show him those drawings however, she was too embarrassed and they obviously weren't good.

But hey, at least she was improving.

Y/n felt arms wrap around her and she couldn't help but let out a squeal, what!? Her heart beat increased, but once she recognized the arms wrapped around her waist she relaxed.

"Do you have to greet me every time by hugging me?" Y/n asked with a smile, she noticed she dropped her pen somewhere around, because it wasn't in her hand, uh... Where was it?

"Yes, you're just too cute not to hug!" Wukong chuckled, Y/n looked around for her pen, she felt Wukong released his hold on her and instead he crouched down beside her instead of sitting, for some reason.

When Y/n's eyes landed on her pen she grabbed it from the grass and focused back on her drawing.

"Ooh, nice drawing!" Wukong said in amazement and looked closer at the drawing, Y/n couldn't help but blush, noticing how closer he was to her now but his eyes were fixated on the sketchbook. "Yeah, but it's not finished yet." Y/n said, her tone was a little quieter than she intended it to be.

Why was she shy all of a sudden?

"How long does it take you to draw all these?" Wukong asked, Y/n hummed at his question, she was actually not sure. She didn't keep track of time when she was drawing.

"Maybe two to three hours?" Y/n said, but only when she tended to get serious. If not? Maybe an hour. Or two.

"You're not worried about people seeing you?" Y/n asked him, Wukong was now sitting with his back against the tree and his arms behind his head.

"Pssh, no one walks around here much, you said it yourself. And I wouldn't mind being seen by a person or two." Wukong said, Y/n just nodded her head, well that was true.

Sun Wukong & Macaque x Female reader oneshots & headcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora