Shared Sorrow

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Watching me wait in anxious anticipation, Anthony had put the phone on speaker so we could hear the results at the same time. However, we were quickly met with disappointment.

"While you were expected to have results today, unfortunately our office has been fairly understaffed recently which has resulted in a delay for them. However, we will call you as soon as we have the results our next business day, Monday."

Our eyes met, sharing the same sadness on our faces. However Anthony was able to respond in an untraceable tone how it was okay without letting on to his true emotions. He even thanked her for letting us know rather than just keeping us in the dark. He was so kind.

After the rather anti climactic result of having no results, we fell into a heartfelt conversation about our happy childhood memories.

"So you really don't remember anything about the adoption center? Nothing at all?"

Anthony inquired.

"No, I wish I did though, I would've really treasured those memories of the loving sibling relationship that we had."

"Same here."

A sliver of sadness had creeped out in his tone of voice.

"Why? Did you not have the best relationship with your siblings either?"

Anthony seemed to think about his answer for a moment.

"No, I was actually adopted as an only child."


"It wasn't bad at all though, really. My mom was everything to me, she essentially became anything I needed her to be. Without even asking, she always seemed to know just what would help me, and she would make it happen."

I noted his use of past tense.

"So you lost your mother too?"

"Yeah, I only had ten years with her and lost her almost the exact day that I turned 17. It really sucked"

"That's completely understandable, I've had my mom longer and it still really sucks for me too right now."

"I don't think any amount of time of having or losing your mom really makes a difference in the pain."

I nodded, it felt nice to have someone who understood.

"So it really doesn't get better?" I questioned in despair.

"Not really, if anything, situations hardly get better by themselves at all. It's more like we get better at handling and dealing with them."

I acknowledged his introspective thought with a nod. I don't think I've ever felt this seen before.

We both became quiet. Between us, it felt almost as if we were now we felt completely free to be in our own thoughts, but together. This was real comfortable silence.

Then shortly, Anthony sighed.

"Well, on that happy note, I should go to bed before I start writing some dark poetry now too."

I chuckled in amusement. I felt so contempt that there was almost this warm feeling in my chest, but it wasn't uncomfortable this time, it was really nice.

Anthony then continued.

"Well the pillow and blanket are still there on the couch for you. If you need anything, let me know."

I smiled and nodded.

"Oh actually, a towel would be nice, I would like to shower if that's okay with you."

"Oh yeah, totally, here let me grab it for you."

He helps me get together toiletries and whatnot and leaves to his bedroom, I think that was the best possible way to end this night.

I then headed to the restroom to shower and decompress.

After all, I had no idea what this weekend had in store for me.

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