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"Well, it all started when my mother left me this note that said that I had a brother and I didn't want to leave him at the adoption center but she only had room to take me in so she couldn't take him in too. She then said that she was able to locate you through the agency and find your current address so that I could have someone to just like be with so I won't be alone."

"What?" Another man had emerged from another room, I assume he was eaves dropping.

He had brown hair that was in a bowl cut which is an interesting choice for 2018. He had soft blue eyes and a 9 o' clock shave which looked very nice on his face. He was wearing all sweats which looked super comfortable along with some plain white socks. He also looked very annoyed at the situation, the situation being me.

He looked down at the ground as he walked over to a chair and had taken a seat, not looking once at me.

"What the hell did I just walk into." He asked in a very confused tone. I don't blame him, this is all very weird. He suddenly decided to look at me and his tone of voice changed.

"Woah, are you alright?"He questioned now a bit concerned but still confused for the most part. Once again I can't blame him cuz I'm just this weird chick with blue and purple hair that's dripping everywhere in this random guy I just met's living room with a blanket wrapped around me.


"This is my best friend slash roommate, Ian. Ian, this is..."

"Emily, I'm Emily."

"Well, uh, hi, Emily."


"So, why didn't you just stay with your mom, why did she say you needed to find me, so you wouldn't be alone?"

I paused for a few moments.

"Well, a couple months ago she died. Breast cancer"

"Oh. I'm really sorry."

"Don't say sorry you don't even know if she's telling the truth." Ian unexpectedly retorted.

That stung. But like I said, I understand, kinda. I mean if a crazy person came to my door and said the same things that I am I would think the same thing, but I still wouldn't say it.

Anthony gives Ian a quick glare.

"Ian, what the hell?"

"What? How can we even know if she's telling the truth."

"You really are a glass half empty kinda person aren't ya?" I said lightning the mood because I completely forgot how serious of a situation this is.

Anthony looked at me and lightly chuckled as if he had also forgotten, but quickly went back to his annoyed glare at Ian.

"Look I know you don't believe me, I would be having the same exact reservations as you have now if I were in your shoes. But, I literally don't have anywhere else to go. And maybe I can prove all of this somehow, I'm just not sure how yet"

Ian thinks for a minute, rolls his eyes, and begins to walk out of the room. He pats Anthony on the back and says, "Your call dude. I still think she could be some crazy fan, but it's your call."

Crazy fan? What does he mean by that?

As he fully left the room, Anthony sighed and said, "I'm sorry about Ian, there have been a lot of crazy people in his life that try to take advantage of him so he's always on edge."

"It's okay, I'm like that too, so I understand. What did he mean by crazy fan? Are you famous or something?"

"Well famous is a bit of a dramatized statement. We have this YouTube channel together that has a few followers."

"How many?"

"Eh, probably like 10 million but most of them are like 12 so-"

"Wow, that's really cool. But have you ever had something like this before? Where a fan just came knocking at your door claiming something crazy?"

"Kinda, one time Ian answered the door and she claimed to be a neighbor that just moved in and wanted to introduce herself. Her and Ian hit it off until she started acting really creepy and eventually he got her to say how she was lying about pretty much everything she told him about herself. She also like snuck into our rooms in the night and took pictures of us, it was super creepy."

"Oh my gosh that's disgusting! So what did you guys do when you found out?"

"Well I called the police and Ian dumped her obviously. But, she technically didn't do anything wrong so the most we got was a restraining order for a good 7 years which is now five now so that's fun."

"I'm so sorry that happened, I guess I understand why he was like that then. And I understand if you don't believe me either. It's pretty crazy."

"Yeah, but to be honest I've known for like a couple minutes and you already don't seem completely crazy. I could tell that one chick was when she knocked on the door but I kept my mouth shut because I knew that Ian liked her."

"But who knows, maybe I'm better at hiding it."

Anthony laughs a bit.

"Maybe, we'll see. But anyways, yeah you can spend the night. But, in the morning, we can drive over to a clinic to get our DNA tested to see if we're related."

"Oh! That's an awesome idea! Okay."

I'm so excited, I'll finally be able to proof that I'm not crazy to these poor guys.

"Alright, umm you're probably gonna want some warm clothes, I'll get you some of my sweats that you can wear since we're about the same size. And you can sleep on the couch, I'll steal a pillow from Ian's room, he has a million of them in his bed anyways he won't realize if one is missing."

I lightly laugh. To be fair though, I'm the exact same way. But one will have to do for tonight since Anthony is being so generous in letting me stay here for the night. Well, my brother, is being so generous. That's a weird thing to think, I don't know if I'll be able to get used to that.

After grabbing his sweats for me and leads me to the bathroom, I hear him walk into Ian's room and they start talking, most likely about me. I can't make out most of it though.

I head back to the living room once I'm done changing, but still trying to eavesdrop. The only thing I heard is Ian scoff and say, "whatever" right before Anthony walked out the door.

Behind him, I hear Ian click the lock on his door. I also glance at Anthony's door which doesn't have a lock, which made me curious.

Anthony then looks at me and says to lighten the mood, "On the bright side, after the DNA test, if we are proven to be related, he won't think you're crazy anymore."

"Even if I am your sister that doesn't mean that I'm not crazy."

Anthony laughed a bit, "Yeah I guess so. But then you become a crazy member of my family so Ian would have to deal with that." Anthony gestures towards the couch that I'll be sleeping on and says good night to me before he goes to his room and shuts the door. I lay on the couch and wrap myself in the blankets to get comfy and start thinking.

When he said my family my heart skipped a bit. I can't believe that I just now realized that he has a family, would they accept me as their own? Or would they hate me? Would I even have any sort of relationship with them? I mean, why would I? I'm a full grown adult that's not even related to them. Besides my mom, I never had a real family.

I had really hoped Anthony and I were related. I mean, why wouldn't we be? How could my mom ever come up with such a cruel and strange lie?

As all these thoughts swirled in my head as I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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